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Trailer is in the shop :(

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Trailer is in the shop :(
  • Took my trailer to a horse trailer place in Norco for some repairs (broken window latch, broken ramp spring, lights not working in the tack room and interior of the trailer) and found out the ramp spring broke because the ramp needs to be replaced..... expensive!  Ah well, has to be done and will take about 2 weeks so I am trailer-less :(  I am having them put in a water tank so when we go trail riding we'll always have water for the horses :)
  • I have thought about putting a water tank in as well since water can be a problem at some locations, or lack of water.
  • That is only about $150 so I said "go for it!"  It beats lugging water from far off faucets.  We had to fill our little buckets in a bathroom sink and dump those in the larger bucket at one of our recent rides!
  • I have a couple older giant size coolers. If we go ride where we are unsure of water or at parades, I put one in the back of the pickup filled with water. The horses can reach in and drink just fine.
  • That's a good idea ':)'  I used to have a plastic jug but it wore out.
  • Trailer update-waiting for springs to come in so it'll be closer to Weds. before it's done.  Turns out a mouse built a nest in the electrical box and chewed the insulation off the wires..... glad they figured it out ':)'