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How do you measure for bell boots?

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How do you measure for bell boots?
  • I'm about to get some bell boots for my TB how would i go about measuring for them?
  • ahhhh come on somebody answer me!
  • Dix-  Measuring for them is really hard.  
    Here is an example.  Prof. Choice regular bells size medium fit Jake great, the no turn meds. not so good and the large is too big.  If I go to Tractor Supply and get theirs I need a large and the mediums are WAY TOO small.
    Now that being said, you can measure around their ankle where the boot would sit.  Then meause around their foot where the bottom of the boot will be to get an idea for both ankle and hoof meas. for what you will need.
    I hope this helps.  Bell boots are a pain in the butt to figure out sizing on.
  • lol yeah i know