Little Lost Creek Conservation Area

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Little Lost Creek Conservation Area
  • A couple weekends ago (before it got to hot to breath[8D] )
    Christy & I found a really neat new place to ride called Little Lost Creek Conservation Area.
    It's near to home and has limited parking, no overnight camping but a diverse trail system from wooded trails, meadows, and some real hills & steep drop offs The topo map said there were elevation differences of 400 ft. Which for Missouri is a lot in a small park (2700 acres) anyway, here are just a few pictures of the area.

    The parking lot is small, but the trail head is very close and starts off through the woods on an old loging road.

    Just about a two miles in the trail starts it's decent to the creek bottoms.

    but there is plenty of room, evem for an old fat man & his even fatter horse.


    The picture does not show it well, but to the right of the trail here there is a 45 degree slope downhill, and on the left it is about 60 degrees uphill.

    This is where we found the tree down across the trail. By this time the sun was high and so was the heat and humidity so we had a nice slow ride back to our trailer and cold drinks & snacks under the shade trees for us and the horses.
    The conservation department sent an email saying they had the tree cut up and the entire trail cleared out so hopefully this weekend we can go back and finish exploring.
  • Around here if I want a tree cut out, I have to take a saw back with me.
    But then we don't have as many trees as you folks.
  • VERY nice pictures, Harley.  I love your rig, too.  It's too hot to breathe here, too.
  • HH, Trying to remember which part of the State you hail from?? What a beautiful place to ride, is the trail riding pretty flat? Thank goodness us fat men have fat horses ,puts us on equal ground!!
  • [quote=Ride2much]

    HH, Trying to remember which part of the State you hail from?? What a beautiful place to ride, is the trail riding pretty flat? Thank goodness us fat men have fat horses ,puts us on equal ground!!

    LOL! Equal ground huh?? Never reall looked at it that way, but I have decided that a lot of the grunts & grumbles I hear from Harley as we ride along are his wishing I was lighter.
    I hail from a part of Missouri about 65 to 70 miles North x Northwest of St. Louis.
    There are some parks where the riding is mostly flat & rolling, there are others where it's pretty darn steep. All in all, there are some wonderful views & places to ride. Shristy & I just really started exploring a lot of our options to ride in our own state late last summer.........seems the more we ride new places the more new local or semi local places we learn about from folks we meet on the trails.
    We went back to little lost creek yesterday morning exploring and found one trail where (by the topo map I have) the trail we were on rose 300 ft inside of a quarter mile of trail. There were a lot of switch backs on that one. I know there are some areas that would be considered fairly flat, but not around my part of the country. LOL.
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