Hardware Ranch is a state owned ranch in Northern Utah. It's about an 90 minute drive from my home. The department of wildlife operates it as a winter safe haven for the resident elk herd. They feed the ek during the winter months in an effort to attract the elk to thei land vs letting them forage on neighboring farms.
During the summer they allow grazing permits to graze cattle on the hills around the ranch and they cut the grass hay in the bottoms ans store it for the elk in the winter. Since it's state own or public land it's open for pubic use.
We parked at where Rock creek crosses the highway and headed up. I had not ridden in this area for about 12 years. So I was excited to renew my knowwledge of the area.
Hay fields

It was cold enough in the morning that we had jackets on as we left the trailer.

The trailer heads uphil from the road.

You immeadiately find yoursef riding amongst hills covered in wild flowers.

Lots of natural water for the horses to drink and for us to school horses on crossing

It didn't take long for the sun to warm us and we stripped off the jackets

We stopped by a nice stream and eate lunch

As we continued on the hills got steeper and we climbed up out of the sage and juniper into the maples and eventually into the quakies and firs.

In the upper reaches it was very lush and green.

It was an all day ride. we covered 20+ miles.