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Yesterday's ride with the hunt club folks...

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Yesterday's ride with the hunt club folks...
  • Actually, a whole lot of the hunt club folks weren't there and there were some kiddo's who were.  It was very easy going, slow paced.  That was frustrating at first but, by the end, Zag and I were just as glad it was slow!  I think it was a great workout for him, just doing the up and down hills, a little trotting/pacing and he gave me a nice little canter at the end.  I worked on leg pressure on the walking part.  He was a very good boy.  He needs standing lessons so I hesitate to just tie him to the trailer and go eat lunch out of eyesight.  BUT he stood nicely, munching his hay in the shade.  It was a pleasant surprise!!  During the trail he pretty much had the runs.  He had gotten out of that for a while but maybe cuz it was a new place with all new horses.  After emptying out so completely he MUST be hungry by the end!!  Anyway, I'll try to post a couple of scenery pics.  I didn't ask anyone to take pics of me.  I can't tell you the names of anyone but it was really nice. OH one little girl kept asking if I wanted to jump with her.  There are jumps all over.  AND I did want to but.... I'm really determined to give Zag a chance to learn in a controlled setting, when it's not so far of a walk back to the trailer!
    OH the last pic is Dani's Uncle Beau.  His mom was riding him and he was being a handful for her.
  • Hey hunter, the vidio's aren't there. 

    Is this the one where after there was a pool party? You sure are doing a lot of riding this summer. Good for you.