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How was Wednesday?

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How was Wednesday?
  • My Wednesday. It was a busy, full day, considering I got a bit of a late start. Worked with HVAC controls tech all day. He was supposed to teach a class but he didn't know that and he ended up teaching us a lot about the whole system, not just controls. It was very productive. Solved some problems, that's always nice. 

    Not much time but wanted to say hello. 

  • Interesting and somewhat stressful day here.  Things will work out according to God's plan.  I trust in that.

    Went to get gas with Hubby and we went by the place where the machinery auction will be this weekend.  Not much there but an Amish shed I would sure like to own.  Came home to find all of the horses in the barnyard waiting for us.  Nice not to have to go after them.

    Well, have a super day.  Glad Stude started on the neverending story again.

  • Got a weird bump on my left wrist on Saturday.  It was inflamed on Sunday and came to a head Monday.  However, there was swelling, redness and another white-head developing which came to a head on Tuesday with, you guessed it, redness swelling and yet another white-head developing.  That one came to a head this morning.  I called the doctor's office and she saw me practically right away.

    Turns out it's not that unusual for a spider bite to infect.  Then we got into an argument on antibiotics.  I won't take them willingly.  However, we did compromise and I'll be using an antibiotic topical (Neomycin).

    Had a great day with the horses at the Anderson Ranch yesterday.  I took Socks out first and put Chance in the round pen to eat grass and visit over the fence with the Coach Horses.  As I was driving away with Socks I noticed that Chance was in the larger pen with the Coach Horses!  The little smart Alec had unlatched and opened the small gate into the larger paddock!  That was quite an accomplishment as it has a rather complicated latch intended to keep S.A.s like this in!  Had to turn around with Socks, take him out of the carriage, and tie him back up.  Then went out and dealt with the Smart Alec!  Chance wouldn't let me catch him bouncing along with all four feet together and tail flagged (like Pepe La Pew)... have I mentioned this is a twenty-one year old pony?  Anyway, I had closed the outer gates (leading to the larger two-hundred-fifty acre property) and now the Coach Horses were all milling around confused and snorting.  So, since there was a larger and much smaller (and controllable) gate, I opened the smaller and beckoned to the horses to leave.  They all squirted out the gate before Chance, who was still doing his victory dance, caught on and dashed for the gate himself.  Too late!  I clanged it shut right in his face.  He was furious and ran off to sulk.  Since I didn't need to catch him yet, and am not up to a chase,  I just secured the gates, made sure none others could be opened and went back to Socks.

    Socks and I had a very nice drive of about ninety minutes.  That Phaeton is heavy and Socks was pretty sweaty.  So, I rinsed him off and put him out with Chance in the paddock.  He had a lovely roll, got gloriously muddy, and then had a nice graze with Chance.  Then I went to get  lunch in Anderson.  A couple of hours later Jmebear and I went out again (yeah, Socks too) and had a lovely drive around the neighborhood.  Chance gave no trouble being caught.  He just seemed a bit deflated.  Behaved himself pretty well during the drive too.

    All in all, a great day for all of us.

  • Company left at noon. Rested and watched a weird movie.

    Volunteer day tomorrow.