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Boy wonder's video of Miles, Dani and....himself.

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Boy wonder's video of Miles, Dani and....himself.
  • I've posted this before but it's cool.  This was the day after an accupuncture treatment.  At the moment Miles can barely put weight on his right hip.... [:(]  It's because THIS is how he acts when he feels good!!!  [>:]
  • Wow, he really was feeling good!  Threw his hip out, huh?  That horse has quite the head on him, doesn't he?
    Dani is so cute, running around like she's thinking "OK, we're running, we're running, um, why are we running?"
  • Miles is my$700K+ lifetime earnings, raced until he was 12 - 6 months before he came to me. (with that leg which had been bad for probably years -[>:])  He was a machine - did NOT want any part of retirement.  His identity was totaly racing.  It took a LONG time for him to accept retirement and learn to enjoy hanging out in the pasture.  His job now is being the Dani nanny. [':)']  He's good at it and she loves him.  He would have been the best riding horse - he takes his job seriously.  Standardbreds are not your typical horse.  It's hard to explain unless you've love one.