Posted : 6/15/2009 11:48:10 PM
The author you are quoting and using as "fact" is misconstruing and reconstructuring much of his information. He is out to end the use of public lands for grazing. He is trying to say that the land used for grazing is insignificant in the overall picture of the cattle industry. For example he says there are 3X more cows in Wisconsin than in Wyoming. So what? They are milk cows. They and their offspring are only good for McDonald's type beef. He says Nebraska's cattle 
roduction value is 16.6X the value of Nevada. So what? And, the reason is that Nebraska imports cattle from other states and finishs them off. Therefore they are selling more pounds of a high value product. Has nothing to do with public land grazing.
Says only 7% of the US forage consumed by cattle and sheep comes from federal lands. That is because it is poorer land and without grazing it you wouldn't be able to harvest any of it!! Have you ever mowed, raked and baled hay. It can't be done on 90% of the BLM land.
This kind of pick and choose fact finding and twisting to mislead people really agravates me.
Other than that I'm having a great day!
Our BLM lands of the West. Approximately 90% of their area is used for ranching, yet all this land produces only about 1.1% of US cattle and sheep. There are roughly 260 million acres of BLM and Forest Service System "grazing land" in the 11 Western states -- 35% of the land area ofthe West -- but how much of this country's livestock is produced there?
Two percent by weight, value, or livestock feed (food of .any kind) (Com. on Govt. Oper. 1986). This will surprise most people, for we have always been led to believe otherwise. Ranching on federal land is insignificant to US food supply -- only I out of 50 pounds of combined beef and mutton. Alabama alone produces nearly this amount, mostly on pasturage!' Iowa produces more than 2 1/2 times as much, mostly with grain feed. (USDA 1987)
The US imports more than 4 times as much (US Dept. of Com. 1986).