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Gunner in all his purdyness; PICTURES!!

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Gunner in all his purdyness; PICTURES!!
  • Cleaning up the paddock and I got a little picture happy!
    Gunner my 8 year old Paint gelding!! Would like to know what everyone thinks his color might be. I'm stumped.
  • If his mane and tail are black, I would say bay.  I checked your previous pictures and can not be sure.  If his mane and tail are more of a deep red, then a dark chestnut.
  • bear with me, for some reason its only allowing me to post one pic per post?
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  • Does he have a dorsal stripe?  He has some wonderful golden hi-lites.

    How is Cozmo doing?

    Gunner really looks healthy.  
  • [quote=Connie]

    Does he have a dorsal stripe?  He has some wonderful golden hi-lites.

    How is Cozmo doing?

    Gunner really looks healthy.  

    no dorsal stripe that I have noticed, but he is still shedding out so who knows? Yes he is a healthy boy, I'm surpised I got as many pictures as I did, he was following me around snooping my pockets for treats lol. Cozmo is doing pretty well! His swelling is going down a little everyday so I'm thankful of that, putting a tad bit of weight on it, which I sorta wish he wouldn't. I tried to take afew pictures of him and his wound, but its pretty dark in the barn and my pictures wouldn't produce well. Ill try again tomorrow!
  • If no dorsal stripe, he looks to be a beautiful bay paint.  Glad that Cozmo is improving.  We had one jump through a window in the summer and really mess himself up.  Had the vet.  Staples.  Stitches.  long recovery.  Wound up using Proud Flesh Powder (sometimes called Wonder Dust) on the stifle injuries.  He recovered fully and as soon as he was back in good health, the lady down the road bought him and he has a home for life.
  • Thats good that he found a forever home!! I have already set my mind to it, ridable or not, Cozmo is going no where! I know he has been though hell in back in his past and his forever home is right here with me no matter what! He is by far the sweetest horse I have ever owned. I call him "my lil sea horse" because his markings on he face resemble a seahorse =)... then Gunner is my project, he is a pain the the butt but cant help but love him to death! We have a 20 acre pasture that we let the horses out in about 5 times a week, well its just Gunner out in it now since Coz is hurt but I tell you what; that horse went from 0-nitro and ran 20 acres in less then 8 seconds and then I about peed my pants because he was running stright at the fence at a full run, (I thought he was going to go right though it) he came about a yard from the fence and set his hindend down almost to the ground, came to a dead stop (dust went flying!!) did a pivot and took off back the other way! I was blown away, I have high hopes at Gunner making one hell of a barrel horse! Can't wait! Not papered but WOW!
  • To me, he looks like a grullo overo paint. He's a beauty! I love paints!
  • [quote=onedarstar]

    To me, he looks like a grullo overo paint. He's a beauty! I love paints!

    Thank you! I also thought he might be a grullo overo paint, but I have been told I'm wrong that he is just a bay. and that don't make anymore since then me thinkin he is a grullo. I'm confused!
  • Okay, we need Shirley.  I don't have my Equine Color Genetics book with me over here but I have a grulla appy and I thought grulla is a dun color but either way it's basically a black shade.  So do their lips have to be black?  Dani's lips and other skin parts are black/gray.  Not pink but she doesn't have a bald face either.
    Well we know who has the purdiest horse here!  Gunner is gorgeous and does indeed look amazingly healthy!!
  • Hunter is right -- in order to be a grulla (black dun) he must have a dorsal stripe and other dun factor markings (shoulder bars, legs bars, etc.). I don't any dun factor at all in those pictures. What color were his sire and dam?