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My TWH mare

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My TWH mare
  • This is Summer, I've had her since I was 13. She's like 14hh or something... little girl with a BIG attitude ;) She's sweet though :)
  • Here's another one I just found.
  • black and white, too.  our MFT is black and white and short enough to be easier to mount than those big tall horses.  Nice pictures.
  • Ahhhh, she's so pretty ':)'  My riding buddy just bought a black TWH and he seems so sane ':)'  What do you do with her?
  • I mostly just use her for trails. I trained her for the cart, but don't use he in it much. It seems a little weird to have a gaited horse in the cart, but she does good for what she is. She's great for kids and beginner riders too, that is if she's in a good mood. Haha! And she LOVESSS swimming in the river! ':D'
  • Hey how do you put more than one picture in one post? I tried several different things but they didn't seem to work, but it seems like there should be a way...?
  • [quote=NeonHooves]

    Hey how do you put more than one picture in one post? I tried several different things but they didn't seem to work, but it seems like there should be a way...?

    Your pics will have to be uploaded to a hosting site or server..i.e. Photbucket, Flickr, etc..and then you can use the code tags or insert link button to paste the url of the image in the text box of the message. Hope that made sense. ;~)
  • Awesome. Thanks!
  • I love Summer!  Spotted Alen Again lives on my road and he has a lot of SSH babies around.  Any Alens in her blood line?
    My appy girl is about 14hh, I think.  Need to measure her again. 
  • She is not registered unfortunately so I wouldn't know.
  • If you get a chance, get on Silhouette Farms.com (if I spelled it right) and you'll see some Summer horses! [':D']