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NHR pictures, Barrier art

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NHR pictures, Barrier art
  • I always admire talent no matter what the form.  It comes out in strange and beautiful ways... not always in that combination. [:)]
    Here where I am there is a LOT of art work done on the barriers and there are a lot of barriers around the base (the Rock).  I think it's cool that the little barriers are called Jersey barriers.  The bigger ones are Texas barriers and the really big ones are.... guess....  [;)]
    I'll just do one or so picture per post so I can tell you about them.... 
    This is the base name.  AND it's basically .... yes... a rock.  The pool stays freezing cold even after a whole day of air temp at 120.  I'm guessing that's because of it being set in stone. [:)] literally.  There are heaters to heat the water.  Anyway, here's the base name ROCK.  Okay, these aren't all barriers....
  • Next to the Rock is a 9-11 memorial.  pretty nice.  okay... let me load pics horse.com gods.
  • Here's a wall of barriers.  Very nice stuff....
  • Okay, call from Chatter, walk to Post Office and multiple internet issues later... more art.
    Along that last wall is one done by the Japanese.  It's one of my favorites.  The pattern is the Japanese flag but the work is done with words.  Look....
  • and a close up..
  • This is behind the flag poles.  Organizations....
  • I used to be a maintainer so....  I like this one.  AND you can see the Civil Engineer Squadron bull.  That's my Squadron.
  • See?  There's a ranch here!  It's the cop shop.
  • Here's the rock at the dorm where the junior troops stay.  (my squadron)  All the dorms think they need rocks to decorate. [':)']  kids.....
  • Last one.  3rd paint job for this rock.