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What is your all time favorite Horse movie?

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What is your all time favorite Horse movie?
  • [quote=Remali]

    Miracle of the White Stallions.  About the Lipizzans..... love that movie. 
    Wasn't that movie done by Disney?
  • Yes, it was. And "The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit", "The Horse with the Flying Tail"...lots of others that help show my age. [':D']
  • Mine is The Man From Snowy River, too.  I love, love, love it.  The music, the people, the place, the riding, and of course the horses.  I'm absolutely certain that is where my desire to have an Aussie saddle came from. 

    Does anyone remember the British Black Beauty TV series that aired on Nick in the 1980s?  I used to watch that faithfully, and have never seen it anywhere since.  It was great.  I dunno if it was made by BBC, or what.  Would love to see it again just for fun.
  • The man from Snowy River was my wife's favourite.  I wasn't overly crazy about it, however it was an excellently done movie.  I always did enjoy the scene where he goes down that mountainside though.  Gosh, it's nearly straight up and down, amazingly steep!  That actor knew how to ride!
    The only version I remember seeing about Black Beauty from the eighties was the really poorly done American movie.  They moved the whole of the story to the U.S.   Really ruined it.  I remember there was a series that ran for a while, however the hours I had to work at that time...
  • DesertHorse, you might try looking on Amazon for the Black Beauty series you mentioned. They have lots of tv shows out on dvd now, which is great because they are all uncut [':)']
     My friend told me that Tom Burlison did all his own stunts while making those films! I was surprised because so many actors don't these days.
     That scene coming down that steep mountain side was really amazing!!!!
  • I will have to check Amazon.  My girls would love seeing that old show...and I can watch it with them!

    I think I heard somewhere about Tom Burlinson doing his own stunts too, because that didn't surprise me.  That is indeed an amazing scene!  There is some fine crack riding all through that movie.  Makes me want to dig it out and watch it...again.  ':)'  I never get tired of it.  If you see the picture of my mare all tacked up, you can see it made a lifelong impression on me.  [':D']
  • I saw the picture of Silk at tacked up! She looks like she is ready to do some serious riding [':)']
     I just watched that movie a few weeks back. I like both the Man From Snowy River movies. How about you?
  • Yep, I liked both movies, though I think the first one was a little better.  Still, I have them both in my library, and will be showing them to my girls when they get bigger.  And hmmm, maybe showing them to me soon now that I'm thinking about them!

    LOL, Silk was such a good sport that day, playing pony.  Good girl!  I truly love my Aussie saddle.  I've ridden other styles, but this is just the best of all worlds for me...and Silk likes it too, which is more than I can say for my Western saddle.  So I guess I have her to thank for finally letting me get my Aussie saddle I'd been dreaming of all my life!
  • Secretariat and Pharlap I would have to say.

    I was the stunt/riding double for Lucas Black in the 1997 Walt Disney Movie "Flash"....so that would have to be a fav as well!  ':)'  I even shaved my head so I would look like Lucas!  Crazy I know, but it finally all grew back!  haha!
  • Ashley!  That's one of the coolest things I've ever known someone to do!!  (now that I know you - LOL)

  • I loved the movie Phar Lap.

    HS, He was an Australian racehorse in the late 20s and early 30s. Brought to the States. He died at the age of 6 or 7. There has always been speculation that he was poisoned. He was a phenomenal horse!
  • I love them all but my favorites are Hidalgo , Secretariat , and Phar Lap.
    Someone mentioned them changing the horses out in the movie , like in wagon teams and such. That drives me nuts too ! Do they actually think that nobody will notice ?  Did anybody else notice that on M*A*S*H , Col. Potter's horse , Sophie , was sometimes sorrell and sometimes bay ? I noticed that in one episode she was a gelding but they kept calling it a girl.
  • That drove me crazy in the moving "Dreamer" where Dakota Fanning and the horse, supposedly a mare are walking through the pasture w/ the horse carrying her backpack and it's a gelding!
    In Secretariat, you could tell they had extended his blaze.... but still loved the movie and thought they did a pretty good job for a horse movie.
  • I love westerns, mostly the TV series like The Virginian, Big Valley, Bonanza. My favorite western movie believe it or not is City Slickers.
  • Yes, all the western tv shows are great and fun to watch too. I have all the Big Valley shows on tape and I last year I added all the Cheyenne's shows too. I just love that show [':)']