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Got pumpkin? (yes) PLUS newsflash added

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Got pumpkin? (yes) PLUS newsflash added
  • Hopefully this won't be moved to the rant section.  Wait - do we even HAVE a rant section? [8|]
    I'm at the store (Kroger) looking for canned pumpkin for my exploding dog.  They used to stock two different sizes!  Now...nothing. Nada.  You know what customer service tells me? 
    So you know what they've been selling in the bakery section?  PUMPKIN PIE!  What the heck is that about??
    Just give me the mo-fo punkin and nobody gets hurt!  <--what I felt like saying. (Brooklyn accents are my specialty[:)])
    Then customer service wants to know if I can get my dog to eat a pie.  [:@]
    --> beat-head-against-wall smiley here <--
    And no, Walmart didn't have any either.  GAAH!
    I bought yogurt.... [>:]

  • o man i'm sorry hunt but i had to laugh at that post thats funny
    but i totally understand customer service people usually arn't the smartest
    why does your dog have to eat pumpkin?
  • Pumpkin settles canine tummies.  SOMEBODY exploded on my carpet.  I remember someone trying to wake me up - Dane or GSD?  Not sure in the fogginess of my sleepy mind.  I'm thinking GSD.  Maggie usually doesn't try to wake me up.  Besides, poor Charlie looked more ashamed.  (they ALL look guilty - Major nearly has a break-down)  I would never punish anyone for being ill.  He couldn't help it.  I just wish he'd tried harder to wake me up! 
    Anyway.... I gotta find a new pumpkin supplier!
  • Honey will also work.  I had the same problem at my local grocery store too...
  • See [8|]........ I told you... Always,... always keep some in the cupboard. You don't want to be out when you really need it.
    Why???.... because..... [/font]IT'S SEASONAL.
    If you wouldn't use it for making those silly pancakes all the time you wouldn't have this problem would you???? 

    The yogurt will help. Does whoever still have diarrhea? I had a Dane explode on Friday while I was gone.Not sure which one but Eeewww! that took a lot of paper towels, and air freshener, and incense. Thank GOD for tile. Someone had an upset tummy and no one to let him out. Poor guy! 

    How much honey???

  • well, like most other home remedies there's no hard and fast rule that I know of... For my 10lb min pin i give her maybe a teaspoon or two... I drizzle it inside of her kong.
  • Don't be dissin' my pumpkin pancakes!  *shakes fist to the west*
  • FOUND SOME PUMPKIN!!!  Save-a-Lot had some.  I was in Holly Springs today and decided to stop.  I was so happy I shopped a little to celebrate! [':D']
  • Kelly loves pumpkin and we were looking for some earlier in the year and the shelves were bare..... the store manager said something about the rain rotting the pumpkins and causing a shortage......
    Glad you found some.  Had an exploding dog on Christmas eve one year, had to sneak around and find the only carpet in the house, in my bedroom!!!  That was awful...... will never forget that X-mas eve!!  Mastiff rather than GD!
  • I do think it was Charlie, the GSD.  I give him a drop or two of corn oil in his food daily cuz he has dry skin and itches.  When I was in VA I think they overdid the corn oil.  I noticed him earlier in the yard but didn't look closely.  Oh well. 
  • why don't you plant some seeds
    then can the harvest.
    (i think you can,  can pumpkin.)
    not the French dance.   LOL.
    I am a male so what do I know.
  • NEWFLASH:  For exploding dogs, add 3 small shredded wheat squares to their meal.  Honestly, if I added that much to Carmy's meal it would bind her up for a week.  This worked on a Dalmation.  Please adjust accordingly.  [':)']
  • I'm still trying to recover from that "silly pancake" remark.  *sniff*
  • I have some pumpkin in the cupboard. Will you make us some? huh Pretty please! 
    I better stock up some more. That is gonna be a lot of pancakes. I think it was Roscoe that got sick here. Poor guy must have been frantic. 

  • OKAY! [':)']  Pancakes it is!  (sorry, no chance to tell me you're kidding.  I'm off to Save-a-Lot for a case of pumpkin and some chopped pecans.  I have a gallon of syrup, that should be enough.... [8D]