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I am in TROUBLE now!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am in TROUBLE now!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I will first say that we (hubby and I) have let Jonathan pick his own thing with politics.  He did go in the voting booth with me this year and checked the box for the same person I wanted.  I thought it would be neat to let him vote.
    Well with the Pres. address today he told me he did not really want to watch it.  When I asked him why he said. "Momma, I just don't think he can tell me to study harder at a regular school when his kids go to a private fancy school.  My school is not nice, it is old and I am in an extra building behind the school for class (think portable classroom).  My teachers are all really nice, but at the end of every year we run out of paper.  I think before he wants kids to work harder he should make sure that we all have the same stuff to work with."
    This from an 8 year old.  So I have sent a note that it is up to him if he wants to watch the address or not.  My preference if he does not watch it is that he be in the libraray reading and I told him that is what I want him to do.  Or to write about why he does not support what the pres. might say.
    Let's just say that I am sure I am not a popular parent right now, but I feel I need to respect my childs opinion.  YES, I know he is a kid, but I do agree with his point.
  • For the record your doing the right thing, your son has a valid point and very intelligent.  I'm with you on your decision.
  • Ditto.  Kid's got good genes. [':D']
  • I say one smart boy there. He doesn't need the president to tell him to study. He already has a good head on his shoulders... Be proud Mom...
  • Thanks guys.  I got flack from the school.  I didn't say to let him go out for an extra recess, I want him to do something productive.
    He just cracks me up with the political stuff, I never know where it is going to come from with him. 
  • I agree with all of you. My daughter is also 8 and her school has decided NOT to show his speach. Hubby and I talked about it and we decided not to let her see it. This was before he knew they were not  going to show it.  I feel if you work with your child and help them in school why do we need all the BS. Send his kids to a public school and see how they do!
  • Which leads to the question:
    How is it that children can see so clearly what so many adults refuse to see?
  • Thats so true Guns.  They see more then we do.
  • Very true Guns.  I think I was taken back by the brutal honesty of my own son and how much he has really thought about this on his own.  His school did end up NOT showing it as I was not the only one to have an issue with this.
    Laramie-  Working in education I see how many parents are NOT involved in their kids studies or even lives.... Very sad.   I know it may make me harder on my son in some ways, but I make sure I am there to support him and sit right beside him when he does his homework.
  • Tanya we sit with little one when she does her homework. We even have the teacher send extra home. During the summer the teachers send home a packet of stuff for the kids and we make her do it. She gets a treat when she turns it back in.  We want her to have the best education she can have. They work withe her in school and we are very involved with that. This coming Thur I am even going in to teach the kids about the Planets.  Needles to say she is excited. Im an Astronomer and love teaching the kids about the Universe.  I feel you really need to know what they are learning and stay in close touch with the teacher.