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This Year's Christmas Decorations!!

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This Year's Christmas Decorations!!
  • This year Hubby and I are a little bit tight on money and nothing left for Christmas decorations so I decided to take paper, glue, glitter, and some crayons and make my own Christmas decorations. Today I did the tree and it is currently laying in the table drying but here are some pictures. 

    I was originally going to get colored construction paper, but when I went to start the car I found out I have a dead battery [:@][:@][:@] So I took some notebooks and used the lined paper inside. I colored the tree with a green crayon, and the decorations were colored using some colored fabric paint put on really thin so it would dry. Here we go!

    The paper before being shaped into a tree its just taped together

    Half way done cutting

    That was a lot of coloring, lol my poor green crayon

    Phew! Finished coloring!

    The decorations, one for each member of the family 

    And the finished tree, complete with 'twinkling' lights

    Well there it is for today, I'm trying to think of how to make more decorations, I might be able to make a basket of poinsettas but I'm not sure I'll have to think about it for a bit lol 
    I hope you enjoyed my crazy-ness for Christmas decorations

    What about yours for this year?  

  • HEY! come back! I don't see no finished tree! but I can see the pieces and it looks great! I thought you were putting ornaments with hubby's buddies' names. LOL
    I found a piece of christmas fabric and threw it over the coffee table we eat on since the big table went to Goodwill. [':D']
    Every little card we get I tape to the fridge. We have cards from utility companies, the supermarket, the IRS... rofl
  • lol the tree was still drying and here it is up on the wall

    And all the pretty snowflakes that I have been making. A few are already painted but the others that I painted didn't survive because the paint stuck to the paper towels and I am all out of paint, tonight I will go get more paint and some silver glitter to make them even more prettier lol those are my decorations the other tree isn't up yet, Hubby wants to do it together so I'll post pictures after its up 
  • LOVE the snowflakes!! How pretty! (you'd be a great art teacher for kids!)
  • LOL if I could fix the filter on my mouth maybe 
  • I love your tree and the snowflakes are amazing! Sometimes being short on cash can make things even more memorable. I bet you'll never forget this Christmas.
  • What a wonderful idea, I love those snowflakes!! Beautiful.