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    We had to have our Big Guy Malaki put to sleep this week, so there has been a lot of tears shed.
    This song makes me smile (and cry too, right now)
  • So sorry for your loss.  I am sure Malaki was part of your family and will be missed.
  • How am I supposed to feel bad for ya when I can't stop chuckling over that video????!!
    Elaine, as wonderful as your home is, my dogs all wish they could spend their remaining days there!  What a lucky dog.
    hugs to ya.  Love to your family.  You have another dog who is sad, too, don't you?
  • So sorry to hear of your loss ':('  They just don't live long enough, once they're through the chewing phase!  He looks like he was one-of-a-kind......
    My thoughts are with you.
  • What a beautiful guy. I'm so sorry, I remember the pain of putting our 1/2 Lab 1/2 Retriever down a few years ago.