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Need Pumpkin?

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Need Pumpkin?
  • For the second consecutive year, a gourd grown by Neptune captured the title of King Pumpkin on Wednesday evening, weighing in at 1,479 pounds. It wasn't a record setter - his winning entry last year tipped the scales at 1,503 - but it was big enough to take the prize of $1 per pound plus a $100 bonus for being the biggest pumpkin in a six-county region.
    That's not where the real money lies, though; according to Neptune, the biggest value is in its seeds. The 700-800 seeds it contains likely will sell for $20 apiece.
  • WOW
  • [quote=hunterseat]


    What Hunter said.

  • That's one amazing pumpkin!  I grew a 120 lb. pumpkin one year which was pretty amazing since I lived in a house in a development on 1/3 acre!!  That sucker was heavy!!  Didn't think to save the seeds!!!!!