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Sunday so soon

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Sunday so soon
  • Wow time has really been getting away from me lately.

    We are having a bit of a cold snap. 40 for low and mid 50's for high.
    Not bad but some gusty winds are making it less tolerable.

    B is coming to ride today. Not sure it will happen. We may just work on other stuff.
    Lots of trims to get done.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
  • Saturday the temperatures were in or almost in the sixties.  Sunday morning I tossed a long coat on over my robe and slipped into my boots and fed the mares it was mild out.  By the time I had had breakfast and gotten ready for church it was snowing and cold.  It is now Monday morning and the few inches of snow have a bunch of schools on two hour delay.  I think there might be some ice under the snow but have not been outside yet.  I am in where it is warm and am enjoying a hot cup of coffee.

    Whisper is feeling better.  I didn't know how bad she felt until she started to feel better.  Yes, I noticed that she was only interested in her hay and really didn't take much interest in having a treat or even in getting her grain.  However, last night I went back to the barn to check hay and water.  Bella said treats would be nice so I opened the treat barrel.  I heard a soft nicker behind me.  There was Whisper, head over the stall gate, ears pricked forward, eyes big and bright.  I took her treats to her first.  She had so slowly gotten dull that it really didn't hit me.  That foot must have been festering for a long time.  What a dream she is to work on, too.  I can rub and bandage her legs and then treat and bandage her foot all with her loose in the stall.  

    Hope everyone had a good Sunday.  We went to church, stopped at the store on the way home and that was about it.