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Monday make up

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Monday make up
  • board meeting.
    And a bit more rain.

    The horses are getting grumpy being locked up.
    Doesn't seem to be a chance of clearing up until Friday?

    I hope everyone is having a good Monday.
  • Was off my feed for about a week.  Monday things finally started to look better.  Poor horses want to go to the pasture but have not been up to going there and picking up the apples they can not have.  That tree must have been loaded again this year.  Bella doesn't seem to know when she  has had enough and came back from there the last time not feeling so great.  So...confinement  up top by the barn is the only solution.

    I was so out of the feel good  mode that the stalls got neglected.  Took care of Bella's .  Now it will be Whisper's turn.  Almost wiped me out doing one so I know I am not all the way healed yet.