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Friday Fried Spam

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Friday Fried Spam
  • for breakfast.

    Rain sheets came off. Hay shed delivered.
    Just ankle deep slop to dry up and we'll be good to go in a couple weeks?
    Okay maybe one week except we still have rain forecast.

    Have a great Fry-day!
  • So glad you're getting rain, though. Better than drought! Well here...nothing. I guess it gets around an inch annually?

    Been doing a 3-4mi hike up a mountain (large hill) on base. Great workout.

    Also been trying to get by the BLM holding pens periodically for a dose of vitamin H.Went today. :)

    Work is trying. No one is used to doing things the way I do them, namely putting customers first. Oh well. As long as I do what the establishment expects (and do it well) they've got nothing to say. (mini rant --> ) Water heater went out Wed.  ThursdayTweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are on it. Go to Home Depot, get a part they know is wrong but MIGHT work. Part doesn't work. It takes until Friday afternoon late to order the part NDA-SAT DELIVERY $$$ and they come in on Saturday, charging the customer, on top of labor for going to get the wrong part, plus the cost of the wrong part, BIG time expensive shipping charges, OVERTIME. And you better believe they'll have 2 names x all those hours. Anyway, it burns me up to see crap like this. I tried to bring it to the supervisors' attention... I'm done. From now on the customer will have the ability to look up every charge they are asked to pay. I sure would anyway. Okay that may have been more than mini but it's out and I feel better.

    I was going to Dana's this weekend to a clinic (she was going to lend me horses to use) but GA is saying I owe them taxes (H&R Block will have to explain that one) and boy's dad was sick (heart attack) and I helped him fly to MS. So, as usual, things are tight. One cool thing, if I fly out of Vegas, trips to anywhere are really affordable!!  

    Been a little down but today was a good day. Thank God.