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Getting hotter

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Getting hotter
  • The rest of the week 100*.

    If it were me, I wouldn't move a horse to from his old Kentucky home to the moon.
    My experience only. it takes so long for adjustments.And what you think will be easy usually isn't.
    My guys are all still adjusting from the last transition.

    I will try to keep my cool today if you do!
  • Temps much the same here.  Suffocatingly hot for the next two weeks...

    If Jag was moved in the late fall, he would have all winter to adjust to the new place and the adjustment would be easier on him.   However I don't envy him in July-September.  However a friend of mine used to live in Palmdale and she loved it there.  To each their own.  Lake Isabella is not far away and there are respites from the heat available.  Not my cup-o-tea though.  But then Hunter has been in even more severe conditions and seemed to do well.  So China Lake might not be so bad.  All in all, I hope she has a great trip out west (can't think of a better car for that than a Lincoln town Car) and a great new start here in California.