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slowboat Sunday...

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slowboat Sunday...
  • Sorry to hear the Jag. is a bust, Hunter.  I like the look of the cars at least, if not the mechanical issues.

    Someone asked about Dana and since she hasn't answered, I can give a partial.  The Riverside area (according to statewide fire reporting) seems to be safe, for now.  It might very well be she is helping to evac. horses as there is currently a statewide call out for that.  Hence, Dana would have her hands pretty full.  There are some terrifying videos and pics circulating.  Brings back some very bad memories for me.  First the Northern Bay Area and now the Los Angeles and San Diego vicinities.  Being bracketed north and south, Riverside and Orange counties must be holding their breath.

    Did a bit of trenching out in the back to attempt drying out part of the arena area.  It worked better than I had even hoped it would.  The water is now diverted to a blackberry bramble and all I have to do is finish the trenching to better isolate the water and feed the berries.  First though I have to attack the bramble above it and push a lot of the dirt in the pit where I am encouraging them.  That way there won't be a gap under the fence as it currently passes over the uphill end of the pit.  So after I push the dirt above into the pit it will fill things in sufficiently to fill the gap under the fence and will also clear the berries away from the fence.  As long as I get all the rhizomes out.Soon as I can get this fence up, the horses can use our paddock again.  Or at least five acres of it.  When I get the new fencing up along the road, I can even let the minis out a bit.  Then I can start on the back half which is a lot rougher and three or four times the length of fencing.

    Filled in the trench on the front drive today.  It will settle again as soon as it rains, however the waterbar is doing its job and I'm glad to see the water bypassing the front yard.  Things are beginning to look a bit more finished around here.

    Inch by inch life is a cinch, I suppose....

  • Last week, on facebook, I saw where Dana had put out an offer to take in four footed critters of different types to help them escape the fire areal  The last we communicated, the fire was an hour from her and she and her family were safe.

    Stayed home yesterday.  Cal went to Church but I opted not to share whatever is going on in my sinuses.  The sermon is televised via internet and I am glad I watched since the dearest of pastors spoke.  Love this man and his wife.  She is going through chemo and he mentioned that she knows she is in a win win situation.  Either longer life here or Heaven.  Such inspiring faith.

    We are due for a snowstorm to move in Monday night into Tuesday morning and then super low temps for Wednesday.  Glad I did most of my shopping and only need to await delivery for the few items I ordered.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week.