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Monday meetings

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Monday meetings
  • Back to back.
    Resource Team and then Financial committee.
    Both of which I chaired and all were gracious enough to knock both meetings out in short and sweet fashion.
    A lot got accomplished today.

    As long as I was half way to Fredburg and done with meetings quicker than I expected, i made a TSC and grocery run.
    Pilot was on a trip with our longhorn partner to get more pens.
    I met him on the road heading home.
    Everything went well.

    And now we are getting another unexpected thunderstorm. We got a half inch last evening.
    We need the rain badly. Pastures are brown.

    I hope everyone has a good start to the week ahead.
  • We came in late last night from the whirlwind weekend. Therefore/ergo I didn't want to get up this morning. Plus it was raining - perfect for sleeping in.  But I had to. ugh. Long Monday.

    I guess I can go through it. Flew to DC Friday, got car and drove to friend's mom's memorial. Funeral Saturday then drove back to DC and met with Chatter. Late so we ate and walked a bit. DC is kinda nice, small town feel. Jumped in the pool. Woke up Sunday, walked around the mall area then hit the road. Took FOREVER to get home. Saw a lot of old friends.