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Free horses?

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Free horses?
  • There's a farm in Dickson TN (between Nashville and Memphis approx) that is giving away all their horses.  Mostly TWH's.  Some spotted.  Don't know the breeding.  If anyone's interested I can post the info.  Or someone else who knows it can post it.
  • I'm glad to see them trying to place the horses in homes.  Here in the west, Folks have been turning them loose on range land. Thinking they will just join the mustang herds and be fine.  doesn't happen.
    While up shooting some ground squirrels, we asked the rancher for permission to shoot on his land. His reply, was sure, and if you see any horses shoot them too. People just turn them loose and I have horses running all over the ranch.
  • Agreed.  Then there are those who allow the horses to starve.  [:@]
  • People are just clueless.

    We have a big problem with people dumping dogs around here. They think that we "country people" will just take them in or the dogs will make it on their own. People can only handle so many animals and dumped domestic dogs form packs that become wild, if they survive. The wild dogs around here become very aggressive towards people and kill the family pets. One neighbor took in a puppy from a pack a few years ago, but the dog was not right and was very aggressive. It ended up putting my son in the hospital with a dog bite.

    The county will not do anything with wild dogs until AFTER someone is bit, so we have to take them out ourselves.
  • What a dream it would be to be able to afford 500 plus acres of land to use just for horses who need a home. ':s'ighs, stuffs dream back in its box and shelves the box:
  • Send me any info you can get.

  • [quote=charro]

    Send me any info you can get.


    Done.  Check your pm box.
  • I'll take some info too(:
  • They're advertising in the paper now so here's the info:
    [pre]Walking Horses. Due to reduction in herd we are giving away 60 horses
    11/06 - 11/23/2010. Shown by appointment only. Must provide
    transportation. Call for an appointment.
    Majority are Tennessee Walking Horses, some quarter horses. Multiple
    colors. Palominos, all colors, Black and White spotted, sorrow, Black,
    tri-color. Not trained but gentle. A horse trainer's dream. Ages range
    from 6 months old colts and fillies to 12 year old horses. Contact

    I hope they get good homes.[/pre]
  • I see they have some sorrows!  [':)']
  • It can be hard to place even free horses in this economy.   Hope they find good homes.
  • It is a lot of horses to place. I wonder how many stables around here actually have the available space to take on some horses.
  • I smiled because they listed their colors as:
    [pre]Palominos, all colors, Black and White spotted, sorrow, Black, tri-color

    Sorrow.... [':)']

    I have a facebook friend who kills herself with racehorse rescue. She offers 30
    days of training free for any horse adopted. Recently she's realized that every
    time you buy them away from a kill buyer he's just making money and buying more to
    send to Canada. So... it's like buying a slave's freedom. The trader will just
    go buy more people. (human trafficking is an abomination practiced widely, even in
    the USA)
    Didn't mean to hijack my own thread. [:-][/pre]
  • More like Mexico. Canada's slaughter houses should be closed down by now. I know that process started back in February.
  • I'm not anti-slaughter per say.  I'll use my own horses as examples. 
    Miles is not rideable and never will be.  Bully is blind and in his 20's.  I've gotten them forever by contract and I don't mind honoring the contract.  HOWEVER, if I could humanely euthanize them I could get one more that needs rescuing that is a sound, rideable horse.  They're great horses and deserve a good retirement, which is what they have. 
    Australia has rending plants where every horse owner understands they will be taking their horse when it comes that time.   Part of horse ownership. 
    I can see using horse meat to feed the big cats in the zoo....etc.  But the fear and torture associated with slaughterhouses....
    Sorry.... hot topic....