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Monday, glorious Monday

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Monday, glorious Monday
  • My upstate job bit the dust. God's will.
    I'm taking it as a sign the NYC job is eminent. maybe. Anyway, I went to work today. One of about 3 people who did.
    Not doing fireworks tonight with Jeff & his daughter and grandson. My son wasn't invited and I'm not interested. I did tell him he could go if he wanted to - he's off tomorrow. We might go somewhere close rather than drive the 40 miles... anyway, stop griping, Beth.
    Had a decent time at the airshow which was totally ruined when we got home and he found fault with and pitched a fit about how tight my son turned the shower valve off. huh? stfu
    Anyway, I'm wiped out. Hoping tomorrow is a good day. I enjoy his SIL even though he doesn't like her. I'm going to make some gluton free cookies for her. :)
  • Sorry about the Job Hunterseat.

    We spent the day yesterday trying to finish the electric fence around the cabin at Ever After.

    Almost finished it. Ran back this evening and got it up and running.

    The solar charger still needs a new battery but it works while the sun shines on it.

    V came for a short ride on Tex today. She was laughing and having good time.

    They did well together.

    Probably going to watch fireworks from the airport hanger in Fredburg tomorrow evening.