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What it's Wednesday

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What it's Wednesday
  • Already?
    Safe travels Face!

    Yesterday was another cow day. Oops excuse me, cattle day.
    We fed in the morning and they all seem very serene. Momma cow is still a bit drawn down. She asked for extra and got more feed.
    The shy steer finally ate out of my hand.

    We went to Fburg after and met with the previous owner to pay and get registration papers on Momma.
    Her name is not Real but Rio Cocoa. Her papers show Top Caliber which is THE longest horned bull at the moment.
    The calf, Cocoa Bueno was her first and born on Christmas day. We can expect the next calf in late December also.
    Pilot is very excited about the whole venture.

    Pilot bought a new (very old) table to replace our current dining table.
    We are both excited about it's arrival today. It is 15 feet long.
    Sis and family came and got our other one.
    They will be happy not to be using a plastic folding table anymore.

    Meanwhile we played musical rugs and moved all but one to new locations throughout the house.
    The sizes all fit better in their new spots. I'm happy now, the rug placement has always bothered me.
    I don't know what we are going to do for a rug under the new/old table. Maybe no rug or two cowhides?
    B is bringing Chinese food tonight to inaugurate the table.

    We may jump on horses and take a tour to look for hogs.
    I saw one possibly last night when I went to pee Princess Sarcee.
    It ran behind the barn. It could have been a coon but was really fast.

    Not pets. They are feral hogs. Very destructive and a h*u*g*e* problem here in Texas.
    Trap and/or shoot on sight. Some people trap and feed them up for meat. Not worth the hassle to me.
    Pork is $1-$2 a pound at the store, all packaged and ready to use.
    We had hoped we wouldn't have them but now they are here.

    I hope everyone is having a great hog and chigger free week!

  • Oh my! The pigs are super destructive in Hawaii. The hunters go out with dogs....hey...that's an idea! :) Maybe one of your horses will learn to kill the varmints. Wonder if a donkey would go after them?

    I don't think I got chiggers, not that they couldn't be up this way. Just not sure.

    Chocolate River...mmmm... what a great name for a cow! Baby should be Leche.

    I just made Lucky Charms marshmallow treats. They'll be ready in the morning. I still need to make my dandelion rosemary shortbread cookies. Sorta lost the urge to do anything.

    Work is flat crazy right now. I mean I can work wide open for a week straight and not get ahead of this mess. ugh.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Stude, Connie, Dana, CPG's, face and all. Love you guys!!!