guests for breakfast.
Menu items got a bit out of sync.
She loves my blueberry biscuits, but I don't have the right yogurt ingredient.
I have vanilla yogurt not plain. I guess we will have to try it.

They plan to leave later and I plan to rest.
I am exhausted. I reduced my pain meds the first of February and it is starting to catch up with me.
At night it is hard to get comfortable and the pain keeps me awake.
Debating on upping the meds again.

Farrier day went well. Although his wife's Alzheimers has progressed and she is unable to bathe herself.
His kids are coming soon and they all need to come to a decision about her care.
I sent him home with bbq beef dinners.
I should stock him up more beginning next shoeing.

I need to adjust Chica's front left slight pigeon toe, rasp Tex's fronts and trim Sarcee's back toes a bit and they are done for this round.

Everyone have a wonderful Wednesday!