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A prayer please...

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A prayer please...
  • 3 hrs sleep, twenty some phone calls and one family member short, Saturday came in with sunshine and light frost.  Fell asleep around five thirty this morning and then woke to phone calls at eight.  Aunt stopped on the way to moms early...she's the strong one most times but not this time.  When my real mom didn't show for the cookout last night kept calling and calling...he called at eight thirty or so to say he had found her beside the overturned 4-Wheeler.  Wouldn't tell me what was going on, but he did talk to my other Aunt who later told me some other details.  Mark is being mediator for us...
    We could use some strength.  Please keep us in your prayers...I'm not sure whats going to happen, but I can already see the pressure building for a confrontation.  He wouldn't even let the state troopers on the property but I think they are going back today.  Most likely left out of curtosy but they'll find he's no more willing today I bet.
    Thanks everyone. 
  • Oh Sheila!!  I'm so sorry.  This is hard enough without strife added to it.  I lost my mom way too many years ago and although it does get easier, there is certainly always a hole in your life.  Prayers and hugs to you.  Glad Mark is there for you and Matthew to add some levity when you need it.  I hope today you find out what happened.  Thinking of you.
  • Very sorry to hear what you are going through.  Hang in there, and have faith.
  • My heart goes out to you.  Of course you and your family are in my prayers.  My condolences for your loss and will ask for strength for you.
  • Prayers up.  I'll keep praying for you, amiga.  What ever your needs are minute by minute, He knows.  I'm asking Him to provide for you.  Hang in and hug your guys.
    And we should ALL hug our loved ones. 
    Hugs to your Aunt, too.  And your Ma.  She's your real mom's mom, right? 
    I hope you find rest for your health's sake.  Love ya, girlie.
  • See what happens when I go outa town for a few days??
    I couldn't believe my eyes tonight!
    Sending strength Girl.  You can do this!
  • So sorry to here about your lose.  Our thoughts are with you.
    Rod and Jackie
  • Hugs and prayers. Take one day at a time and let the Good Lord get you through.
  • Thankyou all for the thoughts and prayers.  We desperatly needed them.  
    Veiwing was at nine this morning in his church where they had picked the cloths, hair color and flowers.  No pictures of who she had been, who she had loved or how she had laughed but they did have a Pakistan flood relief billboard with pictures 20 feet from the coffin.  There's far more but...well...she would have wanted it over and out of mind now so...we kept civil.  For her.  
    Did have one thing I knew she would have loved though, they had Wattles sing Amazing Grace.  He's a wonderful Elvis singer and she would have just been beside herself to think he was singing just for her.  I guess now we remember the good things and have faith that she is at last happy. 
    Thanks again friends,
  • So sorry that he was so selfish and you were so obviously left out of it all....... Just remember,  you will always be wonderful you and he will be, well, him....... no matter what he does......
    I'm sure she knows you loved her and is at peace now.  Hold your good memories close and try not to give the bad ones more than their due.
    Hugs to you ':)'
  • You know what's really important is that you love her and forgave her and she knew that.  I know she must have been so proud of you just for being you.  Her good attributes are living on in your family.  Thank heavens!!  Call any time if you need to talk.
  • Praying for strength to help you and those you love come through this.
  • Very sorry for your tragic and sudden loss.  She knows where you two were at in your relationship and was thankful for that.  Remember the good times, look back on them with a smile.
  • Oh Sheila!  I don't have words!  At least y'all...made it thru.  Probably after this, you will have trouble ever listening to 'Amazing Grace.'  (I'm that way with 'America')...
  • My heart goes out to you.