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Tuesday -taxes are done! IT'S WEDNESDAY - duh

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Tuesday -taxes are done! IT'S WEDNESDAY - duh
  • I got my taxes done Sunday (NO IT WAS MONDAY. I'M OFF A DAY), truth be told. But it's the 16th and we should all have them or our extensions done. What a crummy subject.  Let's start over.

    Wednesday - freezing my tailfeathers off. (better?) It's THIRTY DEGREES right now. We're really getting what TX and CO and everyone had a few days ago. Yesterday TN had snowflakes... Crazy stuff. Global warning - snort.

    I'm reading a book recommended or at least mentioned by a lady on the City-Data forum. It's about diabetes by a doctor who developed a diet which will all but eliminate diabetes from a body. It's pretty fascinating. I'd love to try the diet but it will be hard for me to get Chatter off of meat. Maybe if he realizes he can keep eating PBJ's for breakfast on this diet he will like it. He feels guilty about that. It runs in his family and he's struggling with weight right now. The book is Dr. Neal Bernard's Program for Reversing Diabetes. I read the forum lady was on that diet so I looked it up out of curiosity and this doctor is so well respected, one of the best. It's got all the research world-wide that backs up the theory. The premise is to eliminate all animal and vegetable fat. That means no meat, eggs or dairy and no vegetable oils.  Vegan, yes, but if I had to take an insulin shot multiple times a day I'd gladly give up any food necessary. Plus it helps with all sorts of issues. I'm finally on chapter 4 which is the actual diet program. Hoping we can try it.

    I walked the dogs yesterday at one of the 46 nearby parks in this county (and they're all beautiful...Gwinnett County). It was very breezy and cool. It had been raining all day and the weather broke. The water was drying quickly with the wind. I only saw 4 other people besides two die-hard tennis players (IN SHORTS - YIKES). One man was walking a beautiful blonde Great Dane who reminded me of one of my favorite Danes in the world. Buff? There's another word I have a hard time remembering - Captain's color. 

    When I got home I let the sun finish its stuff then covered my flowers with pine straw. I might wait until the temps rise some to uncover them before I go to work. I hate to leave them covered all day - it's warming up. But Jeff might be back in about 5 hrs and he can uncover them. His son is being a bozo. HIs other son's wife is having contractions every 11 minutes (or was last night, no baby yet). Jeff didn't plan to be there in the middle of all that. They specifically requested no one be around, they wanted privacy for the first couple weeks... Drama....

    My work email isn't working. I may as well gear up to hit the road. East Point today, speaking of drama.... 

  • Fawn is the color.

    Wind is back at 25 mph but should be beautiful 70*  More rain forecast for the weekend.

    Not sure what today is bringing.

    Pilot wants to work on plane parts. And may run to the airport hangar in Fredburg.. If he does he needs to pick up meds at the vet.

    Copter fix  just ran to  late so they decided to drive home and Dyno is going back to get it later today.

    Have a great day!

  • Sorry for the mix up. It's Wednesday. My kingdom for a brain.