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Tuesday Coffe with an IV drip!

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Tuesday Coffe with an IV drip!
  • Good morning all!
    Tuesday.........what do you say about a Tuesday? Well at least there is no rain in our forecast here. Maybe it will move on to those who need it.
    Just as a side note, Christy & I are planing a trip to Cuivre River State Park this weekend. So for those of you close enough to come play for a day, drop a PM and lets get together Saturday morning for a trail ride & coffee around the campfire.
    Got to run & get ready, but have a great day all!
  • What in the name of horse hooves happened here???!!!!
    Did I miss something? Lol.  ANYHOO Morning all! Coffee here and plain bagel with cream cheese. We  finally have a day without rain!!!!! WOOOHOO> It finally subsided for a bit, my horses are going to start thinking they're sea horses, they've been soaked for quite a few days now. ( they dont go in the barn.... [:-]  )
  • A clean slate, looks like, huh?  Sorta exciting!
    I hope it's nice enough for me to pick up the mattress I was supposed to pick up yesterday!  I was off yesterday and got feed, some plants.... um.... went to bank.....  got a frame for a poster at Hobby Lobby but I have to go back.[>:]  Strange when you ask a person there "will this work?"  she says yes and then it doesn't. [:@]
    We sure lost some smilies! [':D']
    I hope Tanya got that "Bobcat hunting in Maine" thread I sent her!!!  But if you google that phrase you come up with a site which I think will help you out.  Kisses Cane's way, too.
    Happy Tuesday, it's off to work I go.  TTFN!
  • Holy Baloney Bat Man, what happened here??????

    I like it, but wish I was not back to a new member again.  I thought I signed into the wrong site.

    Rain is coming today, supposed to be off and on all week.  I had to pick Jonathan up from school for a belly ache yesterday.  He was just over tired, but I didn't mind as I had a headache that would not quit.

    Bobcat update, it is officially a pervert.  I went to get out of the shower again this a.m. and new kitty cat Cali is sitting in the window staring out at something, yup the bobcat.  So there I am in my silk robe grabbing my hand gun headed out side to shot it.  Hubby is laughing his butt off, I am not finding it funny.  Well it took off running before I could get out back soon enought to get a shot off.  I still fired at it a couple of times trying to scare it off. 

    Worked Jake last night, he is just soooooo fun to ride.  Hubby had co-ed league softball so we went and watched some of that then grabbed a few groceries and went home.

    Low fat choc. chip muffin to share today and some vanilla coffee.
  • Morning. It my long day today at school/work. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I worked on homework for hours then couldn't sleep the two hours I had to sleep. I may have to take a nap during lunch.... although I curently have lunch plans. Maybe I can catch some winks while I am waiting for the staff to show up this morning.

    It looks like it just may rain... let me look at the forcast. It says no. 89 and partly cloudy today. We could sure use more rain. but hay my grass is green. 

    I hope all have a great day. This place is going to take some getting use to. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. We'll see.
  • The suns shining!  The suns shining!!  Wow 4 whole days without rain....Oh how the grass is growing.  LOL
    Matthew is headed to my "Real" Moms house this morning so that I can go to work then over to do Mom and Dads chores.  They are in Greers Ferry Arkansas and she called last night said it had poured all day and was colder than a well diggers #%S.  they are going to be gone for a week but she already misses Matthew.
    Chiropracter appointment this afternoon.  Get everything lined back up, like its going to stay that way.  Ha.  Anyho the rest of the afternoon hasnt got a thing planned.
    Tanya I have my fingers crossed that Cane comes out of it soon.  It takes so much to undo and so little to train right from the begining. 
    Shiver its wonderful to see you my friend!!  And yes life does seem to sweep us away like a strong tide sometimes.  Its just good to see you in port once and awhile.
    Harley have fun camping and riding!  I would have been back to Bay Creek if I had the money that is.  LOL  That and time is always the issue aint it.
    Have a wonderful day everyone!!
  • Good Morning, the sun is shineing. Hope things start to dry up, I want to ride. Seems like forever! I thought I was on the wrong site also, scrolled up to double check. Going into Church today to stock selves for the food pantry, then walmart (joy,joy) then pick up a carpet cleaner and come home and clean carpets. You all have a great day
  • Goodmorning.  I was grumping to Gary that I'm back to new member status, it lost my avatar and won't let me add it back and once you're done reading other people's posts, you have to scroll back up to the top to reply....... oh well, it'll take some getting used to.  I was just getting used to having an avatar!!
    Anyways, looks like it's going to be warmer, no haze today.  Yesterday it clouded up half-way through the day but by around 5, it was clearer again.  Kelly and I went for a short ride, did some trotting on the bridle trails.  She hasn't ridden her horse, Tahoe in a couple weeks due to stealing my horse and having other social obligations.  I recommended her lunging him or something and she said "He'll be fine."  She regretted that about 5 minutes into the ride.  He was doing the head up in your face, shaking his head like he had bugs in his ears but he didn't, prancing, sashaying, doing a canter-in-place instead of a trot (the boy is very agile) while Cody just a little more energetic than usual which surprised me after our long trail ride the day before.  At least he isn't really a bucker but finally he tired out enough to get his brain back and she was fine.  Mondays are good nights to ride because it's Gary's night to cook ':)'
    Vet's coming this afternoon to do West Nile and check-ups, maybe X-ray Cody's right front.  He had a big nail in it when he was 1 1/2 for a loooooonnnnnggg time before it finally worked it's way out of the crevice of his frog, 3 blowout abcesses later and has always cocked or rested it funny since but is only a little off in small circles and sometimes fusses when having to put all his weight on it when getting his left front trimmed.  I've decided to bite the bullet and see what's in there.
    Well, hope those that need rain get it and those who need a respite from it, get that too!
  • Good morning,
     still getting use to a new forum,
    Hows everyone doing? Getting ready for work kids has 2 an a half weeks left then summer vacation.
    Were also getting rteady for a mothers day camping trip this weekend I can't wait..
    Well talk to all later..
    Have a good day.
    Oh yeah Harley this desert needs some rain send it my way...
  • Good morning! I think it's exciting to start over with a new forum -- it reminds me of when the Horse Forum first began and everything was new.
    The Caveman is heading to his batcave today, so I'll be on my own for awhile. That's all right, I've got more than enough to do to keep me busy. I need to finish the new pen I'm building and install the gate. Tomorrow we're heading up to Cheyenne (Wyoming) to pick up a couple of horses. It's always exciting to get new horses!
    I also need to give shots and dewormer to the entire herd. Trimming Gypsy's hooves is also on the agenda.
    I'd better get my tailfeathers moving.
    Have a good day!
  • Morning all!  After a brief break from rain yesterday...it started again!  We have been getting rain since Thursday night.  Everything is green, the ponds are full and the crick is running.  This time, it is a warm, spring rain-loving it-except for the fact that it makes it pretty much impossible to do anything outside.  The sun is trying to peek through here and there, and the birdies are singing...so maybe it will clear up and I can RIDE!!
  • morning everyone
    danastark,  look in the upper right of the posts,  you can reply to messages there
  • Arrrrghhhhhhhhh. I busted my hump this morning to get a project out the door ontime. Now the afternoon is going to drag with nothing to do except a couple of classes to show Q.C. how to use a seat of software.
    Be still my heart! LOL.
    I went out for lunch and have to sy I'd rather be at home with Harley in the round pen sweating my backside off than teaching a class this afternoon.
    And horselvr, if I could send some rain your way I would. It has been nice here since Sunday afternoon, now they are calling for evening showers.[:'(]
  • I'm gone for a few days and the forum gets a make over!![':D']
    like the new colors!! 
    Visited with Gizmo this morning. Already seeing the difference in his attitude since he was gelded last week. I can now go in the paddock and not be viciously attacked by him.
    I'll be posting pics soon enough.
    have  a good day everyone!!
  • I missed the morning post.....but here I am!   I got busy this morning and ended up getting distracted, lol.  Not much new here to report...but I may have some good news of a full time job!!  Right now I am just working part time, and I really need full time.