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Saturday...Coffee.horse food....headed to the park soon.

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Saturday...Coffee.horse food....headed to the park soon.
  • Harley- it's amazing how riding and spending time with our horses pulls at our heart strings. And is the best medicne ever. Have a great trip. Are those your horses in the error box? Nice looking horses those are.

    No Shiver, I'm not sure where that picture came from as I did not attach anything to that post! LOL, must be a forum glitch. And, yes It is the best to be able to spend time with the horses.
    We had a great ride this morning. Got out nice and early had coffee, muffins, and fruit for breakfast out there after we'd groomed Harley & Sasha. Harley was calm and relaxed on the trails today & really seemed to enjoy getting out & about.
    Sasha.......what do I say about that little lady. She's come a long way since we picked her up at an auction where we had gone to look at tack last fall. She just looked so forlorn when she came in the back door of that sale barn. We came home with tack and a spare horse. She did pretty well out on the trails for Christy today short of having to stop every 15 minutes because there was some new 'Horse eating squirrel, or drain pipe' in the trail that was there to get her......just her mind you! LOL. She still has a ways to go before we let her move on to a forever home, but she will get there. She has a good mind and a willing spirit. She's just a grade mare, but I like the look of her.
    Hunter, I have to agree with Trainer. I'd have someone by both ears explaining how things were going to be if they were under my roof and not helping out.....and mine is a Scotch / Irish temper.
    Trainer, love that young man on your lap while you can. All to soon they grow up.
    Think we can see some pictures of Mathew?
    Anyway, it's evening and I want to go out in the pasture to Harley, give him a couple of treats.
    Happy mothers day to all the Moms!
  • I'm glad you had a good ride!  I would love to get out and ride, my own that is!  Everything around here is underwater.  did manage to get the colt out for a bit and mess with him a little.  I'm taking him to Phils next week for a couple of weeks of groundwork.  I'm there every day anyhow and all my "colt training" stuff is over there.  Not to mention I have a sitter for that time too.
    As for Matthew I snuggle him and kiss on him every chance I get.  Remember the old Bugs Bunny cartoon with the snow man.  " I'm going to hug him and squeeze him and stroke him and call him george."  all the while Daffy is trying desperatly to escape, yep that is pretty much it.  LOL  He is way too busy to slow down through the day but at night he is still my baby boy.  He wants held and when he falls asleep I tend to just sit here at the computer and hold him, even if his legs are dangling off of my lap!
    He is getting sooo tall.  Must be from my Husbands side of the family.  No one on mine is that tall.  He is all legs right now.  As for his foot, he is walking as flat footed as I do now with only  a slight turning in.  No braces or anything but we go back to cardnal glennon in June for a follow up.  Fingers crossed he doesn't need anymore surgeries or braces.    Here he is enjoying his swing.  He is such a ham.  I had to get him to stop saying Cheese long enough to snap the picture!!!
  • Evening. I went for hay this morning. Turned out to be a nice day~~sunshine~~but it became cloudy and windy towards afternoon so no telling what tomorrow will be like.
  • Oh my goodness Trainer. Matthew is getting SO BIG!! And he looks JUST LIKE YOU!! I use to tell my girls," you can never have to many hugs and kisses!" As I was smothering them with kisses and they laughed and wiggled trying to get a way. It was a great game. When they refuse my hugs and kisses now I say the same thing. Sometime I sneak one or two kisses in. Other times I just get a look from them that says," MOOOOOMMMMM!" You know that look. Oh, no you don't trainer. You don't have teenagers yet. Just think all the things we are preparing you for now. lol And it is always funny when you remember them when they are happening. 

    Harley. OK, so are those your horse in the pictures? I'm getting confused by the whole picture thing.

    Dana, I'm so glade you had a good ride. You have done a wonderful job with Cody. We know you know that. But this is a horse forum and it is fun to hear that from horse people.

    I didn't ride today. No, I did lots of homework on the porch instead. But I enjoyed the horses and the view greatly. I wish I could say that my kids spent the day out side exploring. But they didn't. The watched TV and I really enjoyed listening to them laugh there heads off. It made my heart happy.
  • Turned out to be a pretty good day.  Finally got a good spare for my horse trailer.  Got my hair cut.  Got some ice cream, which I'll be eating in just a minute.  BUT I got on Zag to see how he felt with his heel/blowout doing better.  Carol will be down next weekend and I really want him to be able to go out on a trail ride.  Looks like he's going to be fine.  I still want to get him boots if I can and have time.  Steve will be trimming him in a few days....  He's such a sweetie (Zag, that is).  Steve is sweet, too, but he's not mine. [':D']
    The rain stopped and the day had some sunshine so..... it was good.
  • Harley. OK, so are those your horse in the pictures? I'm getting confused by the whole picture thing.

    The horses in my third post are mine Shiver, still not sure where the horses in second post came from or who they belong to, as I said....I did not attach anything to that post.
    Trainer, Matthew is adorable! It is so cool to see a child that happy.
    (message edited to say I removed someone elses&nbsp';p'icture from my second post)
  • (message edited to say I removed someone else's picture from my second post)

    lololol I guess we just have to describe or say that we have imbedded pictures until it is fixed.