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whats the right bit?

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whats the right bit?
  • Hi. My horse is an 18 yr old QH gelding. When I bought him he was neglected and ive been told he was an ex cow horse for the rodeos. Anyway, I have had him two years now, and rode him once. Hes A good boy but is afraid to leave the barn, yet the worst thing he did was dance in place. But now that he has put on a considerate amount of weight and feels good. I want to get him a bit that will not only help show him whos in control but also dont want to confuse him, or have something that will make him more nervous. I am going to have someone work with him for me just to get him back into the swing of things. So really need a good bit that I will be able to use :im a beginner, slight intermediate rider: I do know the basics.
    Thank you
  • I guess you don't know what was being used on him before and there is no telling if it worked with him or helped make him nervous about leaving the barn.
    If possible find a person that has had horses for years and will let you try different bits, beginning with the less severe until you find one that has control of your horse without making him fearful of you taking a hold of the reins.  You will want the bit that gives you control with a light touch.  Most people who train will have a sizable collection of bits to choose from.
    Good luck.
  • No. I have no idea what bit. And I believe the bit he was on was an eggbutt snaffle..but it got stolen and am not positive. This is the bit im looking for. What do you guys think? It is the 14th bit down........
  • I would prob have someone work with him maybe a trainer that can get him on the right track again work with him with a bit get him solf again.......or find someone that gasworked with horses that can work him and get him incontrol for you....
  • Thanks. I do have someone that is willing to ride him for me to get him back in to being ridden. I like the bit, and my moms horse does well with a shank. I was just wondering if the one I had in the link would be ok to start him on/keep him on when I also get on him.
  • you can try that bit  it would hurt to ride but if he has been worked on cows before or roping depending on thr person riding him and how he was trained he could go in a snaffle or a high port bit or something with a stopper to it....thats what i use my mare goes in 3 bits correction bit, ace of spade, and a snaffel
  • Oh ok. Like i said he was supposedly a cow horse, but im not 100% sure. I want a bit that wont hurt his mouth that is also not confusing like the tom thumb bit.. Because I dont have a problem with him trying "to go" he is afraid of leaving the barn, and he will need to be re worked and we are kind of starting from scratch, and we both know the basics. We did have him on a snaffle bit without a shank and he stopped fine, just danced because he wanted to go in the barn ':)'. But we have a greater relationship now. So think that bit would be a waste, or worth a try? I just wnat to get a bit that is ok for both of us...hes my baby!
  •  i would try it see how he does
  • Okay, he's 18, right?  He's been on a snaffle, right?  That's about as mild a bit as there is!  Now you want to put him in that thing for WHAT?  You need to go back to basics and teach him that you're his herd leader whom he can trust so he choses to relax and follow your lead without problems.  I hope you aren't aiming for a stressful show life with him at his age.  He probably deserves to relax on the trails.  I say go back to what he knows but do lots of groundwork so you get to know and trust each other.  I mean no harm but I do NOT like the looks of that bit you posted AT ALL.  But I DO like the sound of your horse and wish you'd post pictures of the ol' boy! [':)']
  • I was just asking! I know that it had a shank and that works for my moms horse more than anything. I will try a snaffle and then go from there. I just ordered a new saddle and want to be able to use it when it comes..and my other headstall with the bit got stolen....all try to add a pic of him!
  • So..I will take your advice and start with a regular snaffle bit. What kind should I get him? There is so many..
  • Just start with a basic snaffle bit let me post a pic of the bit i use.....
    1st bit is  the snaffle(i use thisbit the most)
    2nd bit i use when i show and when i work
  • So this one would work good then..and its got a nice look to it so its a win win situation. Because it will be the easiest on his mouth right?
  • I think that the bit above is just fine... the snaffle