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Good Morning Y'all It's Saturday !

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Good Morning Y'all It's Saturday !
  • I figured since I was dumb enough to still be up I'd start the morning chat thread.
    I've got a monster headache so I'm still up playing on the computer.
    Today's hoped for plans is to get my son to take me to town to get a few groceries and then , Lord willing, get the horses switched around so Dancer can get out in the field for a while. Then maybe if I feel up to it just spend some time with Mystery and maybe take him for a walk. The big goofy guy loves to go for walsk with me down the road like a dog. 
    If I can't do that then hopefully I'll feel up to cleaning under my bed. I've got alot of old magazins under there that need to go before they become spider dens. No more cardboard boxes aare going under MY bed since a girl was in the local hospital for a brown recluse spider bite because she had stuff like that under her bed .
    I hope that everyone has a blessed and safe weekend !  
  • Hi Kentuck! [':D']  I'll keep you company a minute.  I sure had some thoughts of you on my way home yesterday.  Always a great time to pray when I drive!  Hope your headache eases up and the doc can fix ya!
    I woke up to a dog crying like it was in dire straights.  I thought sure it was the Dane but no.  Teddy Bear sometimes sleeps under the bed and was in pain trying to crawl out.  Strange thing I was just thinking about him yesterday, too, about the bullet he has lodged in him from before I got him.  well, that was when I decided to call him mine when I took him to the vet for THAT emergency.  I'd already gotten him over a case of Parvo. [>:]
    So now I'm awake.  I stuck the dogs outside and now my puppy-girl isn't coming to the door. [:@]  Better throw some pants on and get out there before a coyote gets her. 
    Work today.  It's family day at the base so...  not really much work but I have to be there anyway.  At least I'm getting a little extra pay for it.   Hope everyone has a peaceful, as little pain as possible day.
    ETA:  Oops!  Puppy-girl was scratching to get in before I could go look for her! [':D']  She's so rotten!
  • *yawn* can I reply to my own message?  I can?  Then AWWWWW!  She's so cute!!! [':)']
    I slept a little.  After talking to Chatter until he fell back asleep. [':D']  I have that affect on him! But he was up, too.  He woke  up thinking I was up, which I was and he found me on the computer.  So I called him.  ANYWHO....
    Boy was trying to keep the McDonald's down ....  [8|]  Show of hands :  mothers who feed their children 2 McDonald's Double Stacks (or whatever they're called) to get over an upset stomach when there's been no food in said stomach for 5 days.   *crickets chirping*  He slept on the bathroom floor!  I thought about MaderChica!!  UGH.  I think he kept it down.I dozed back off.  Glad to see KyAngel finally got to sleep.  *prayers*
    I ran my half hour in boots yesterday.  It's about 3 miles.  I'm trying to decide if I'm going to run the Warrior Dash 5K in boots...  I'll probably decide when I talk to other finishers.  Last minute as usual. [':)']
    I've had my tea and toast.  Best get rolling!  Again - HAPPY SATURDAY!!
  • Morning all!
    Beautiful day starting here in WI.  Typical day planned - wood cutting and mowing.  Jackie is going to Wash DC for most of next week to viisit old (yes both olds) college roomates.  So, I will be "baching" it.  Big times planned!!  Will have to go out and pickup the pole I rented as soon as she leaves. 
    Have a good weekend!!
  • What is that dog doing in the bed!!! [8|]

    KY I hope your headache left and docs get the edema figured out

    We mostly finished the parking barrier project. We got them delivered and placed the ones we knew where they went. It took all day and we really busted our butts.
    Isn't it interesting that there is always someone willing to tell you how you're not doing it right but they didn't step up to help?
    I got slammed with a monster headache too. It waited till we got home and were putting away equipment. Not sure if it was too much heat and work, moving high pressure or no lunch break. Thankful it just kicked what was left of my butt and then moved on quickly.
    Hoping to ride today maybe a moonlight ride? We'll see what the other "Suspects" are doing.

  • Good morning!
    Had a nice ride with Cowgirldude yesterday. A few mishaps, but no one came unhorsed, so it's all good. I was going to post a picture, but the forum won't let me. As usual.
    I bought a new stock tank a couple days ago, to replace the one that got smashed by the wayward Bobcat.  (The same Bobcat that hit the waterline and broke it). The tank is 7 1/2 feet, so I shouldn't have to refill it every day.
    Today I plan to get back to work on my fence. Still pounding T-posts (about 20 more to go), then I can put the wire back up. Still need to set an H-brace for the gate, make the gate, put up the hotwire and solar fence charger, clear the pasture of old wire and the old windmill....and then it should be ready for the horses!
    Better get going. Have a good one!
  • Another 'hot' day here in the PNW. Heat advisory through the weekend. Smoke from the forest fires have been here in the valley for about a week now. Smoky air, orange skies (orange moon last night) and about 1/2 the time you can smell the smoke. NOTHING like the horrible fires they're having in Texas, though some places have been evacuated and some homes lost. Next week it's supposed to get back down into the 70s here. Hoping so as that will be good for the firefighters.

    Well, more painting today with breaks for water and sitting in front of the fan. [&:] Hope you all have a good day. Especially hoping that KyAngel & Dana get some relief!
  • Aha! I had to be fast on the trigger finger (took me 8 tries) but I outsmarted the forum!

  • Is that Dude (with his grouchy face) and his mom?  If so she looks GREAT!!  Tell her hi for us! [':)']
  • Morning all':)' Going to take some friends and kids for little rides today before it get's too hot for the horsies. Should be fun, I always like having little kids ride the horses and see their faces, it makes me smile. Appylady: Nice picture! Durango: Yeah, this heat seriously needs to go away, so does the smoke from the fires':('
  • Who are you calling gouchy Hunter? Hahaha. Nope, that's not Dude, it's my new mare of 6 months~~Summer!
  • Good morning!

    Looks like a lot of us are up and at 'em. Not so much around here. Its rainy and cool (not complaining) so it looks like a good day to lay around and do some baking. I'm experimenting with substituting butternut squash for pumpkin since I can't find any fresh pumpkins yet. L and I have been craving pumpkin muffins, pie, whatever. Anyway, its baking so I can turn it into puree.

    Another crazy week at school. I'm hoping I'll get used to the continuous going soon. I thought last year was crazy... The Girls are keeping my "free time" filled with their activities as well. Between band, cross country, and FFA we only ate dinner as a family once this week! The thought of them getting their driver's license and a car scares me, but some days, I think it would be really, really nice!

    Love the picture, Appylady and Cowgirldude! Summer looks nice! 

    Hope everyone's hurts and headaches go away and that the weather turns back to pleasant for you all.

    Have a great one!

  • Darn it, had typed quite a bit already but went to wipe some cat hair off the keyboard and blink, it's gone......
    Doing OK, still having issues but got some sleep, took a 4 hour "nap" after work yesterday and slept until 4 this morning last night.
    Ky, hope they figure out your issues soon.  Seems like even tho they say your shunt is working, between the headaches and the legs swelling, it's not?
    Had a nice cool morning here but here comes the sun,........
    Taking the husky, Annie to the groomer again, she needs her belly shaved again.  Started my day with an early visit to the chiro so feeling pretty good right now.
    Going to try to get some laundry done and maybe bake something.  Hubby is feeling better.  He flies up to Oakland tomorrow w/ his instructor to pick up his new plane!!
  • BTW-Rod, you are too funny!  Made me giggle, picturing the pole.........  Thanks for the laugh ':)'
  • Dane, you mean you don't let your dogs sleep in your bed?! [':D']
    Late night last night, it was our first pep band!!! We one our first home game too (football), and I don't think we've won a game in many years, but we did!
    The band was suppose to leave at 3rd quarter, cause the football team uses the same bus, but our bus got parked in so we stayed the whole time and then it wouldn't start so the football players walked back and we all got rides with various other people. Then there were like, 6 of us to unload the trailer and percussion stuff. Uh. . . 
    Anywho, it was a blast and I had a great time.
    Company got here around 9 last night (we didn't get home til 10), and they're on their way to a wedding so I stole a little time to log on here quick.
    Hunter, dog is so cute! Hope Boy feels better soon, the bathroom floor is NOT comfortable.
    I think we need a doctor on this site with all these health problems. . . [';)']