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Wet Wednesday

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Wet Wednesday
  • Rain, rain go away. Well at least it's not a gully washer but a nice steady drizzle.
    Its good for the hay crop I know, but man I'd like to see one solid dry week.
    At any rate, it's time to get a move on but I wanted to say good morning.
    [:D] GOOD MORNING!!!
  • Well Marnin.  We're still getting the rain too Harley, for the next 7 days on our forecast we're supposed to get at least a shower each day. As long as they're sun in between I don't mind so much.
    We have a show on the 30th, I'd like to get a bit of riding in before then! Doesn't give much hope though with gray rainy days.  I did ride bareback with the rope halter last night, checked out the fence line before it started raining again.
    Found our kittens!! 3 of them, one black and white with a bit of calico on the ear, and two very nice looking dark tabbys with white feets. They're cute lil punkins. We're keeping one, as my good cat got hit two weeks ago.. ':('   Poor little girl.
    Was looking at Susey as she was eating this morning, horse is getting HUGE. ':)'
  • Morning everyone,   looks like rain here today also
    Who would have thought the words "squirrel brains" and "tasty mountain delicacy" would ever be uttered in the same sentence? On tonight's episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmerman, Zimmerman takes a trip to Snowshoe to enjoy some mountain victuals and good, old fashioned West Virginia hospitality The show airs tonight at 10 p.m. on the Travel Channel.  
    Found while surfing this morning.  LOL

  • Morning everyone-
    Rain here today too, but supposed to clear off this afternoon so I bet Jonthan will have practice.  I need to ride to get my butt and Jakies in shape for the Molly Powell clinic the end of this month.

    I have a guy coming to trap (live) and move the bobcat Thursday.  It followed me up the driveway from the barn last night, I was NOT impressed.  I stopped to grab rocks to through at it and it did run off then.  So now I carry my hand gun with me.  Boy that is sure gonna make some of my neighbors happy, they think I am a redneck now, LOL.

  • Yep its raining here again too.  At least we had a couple of days of sunshine.  Birds are still singing thier little hearts out in the trees.  Recken they know something I don't?
    Not much planned here for today.  Housework, then go to work and do Mom and Dads chores this afternoon.  Looks like I'll be doing them in the rain.
    Matthew got in big trouble yesterday.  He took his little motarized jeep to the road and sat at the edge so he could wave at the van coming down the road.  Talk about giving someone a heartatack!!!  I havn't ran that fast in years.
    SecondChance I LOVE your avatar!!! 
  • Good morning,
     I want rain send it my way the heat sucks...
    Hows everybody? hope today goes well for all.
    Paul has an apointment at the Spina Bifida clinic  hope all goes well there.
    So today I get the day off YAY..
    Have a good day everyone....
  • Man, it's hard to eat a bowl of cereal and keep the cat's tail from dipping into it as he's parading around my lap this morning!  He's always so happy when I sit down in the office so he can hop into my lap.  He's rumbling big time.
    Send some rain our way, not that I'm complaining about our gorgeous days here but I know we need the rain badly.  Today looks beautiful out there.  I've got the sliders open, letting in the fresh air.
    The girls rode and I walked/jogged the dogs yesterday.  Shay went bareback so she just walked and trotted.  Had a bad spill last year while cantering bareback so she's still afraid to do that.  Kelly and Tahoe had a much better ride.  He was sane and they cantered everywhere they could.  The dog's tongues were dragging by the time we got back but I felt like I was in the Iditarod at the beginning and I think they were in kahoots to go opposite directions, then switch across my path and catch my legs in the leashes!  Poor Cody wasn't happy to be left behind but it's good for him too.
    It's Teacher Appreciation week at our school this week so Monday the PTA brought in breakfast goodies and today is lunch!  Nice to not have to pack one and the place they're getting subs from is the best!  More state testing today...... At least I'm getting a lot of paperwork done.
    Vet had to cancel yesterday so he's supposed to come today.  Hope you all get a break from the rain. 
  • Morning Everyone!
    Rain here again although it's just overcast right now, I know we needed it BAD but can I please have a little sun - this is day 4 of clouds. 
    I hope everyone has a good and safe day I've got to get my but moving and get to the farm to ride, if all goes well we are going to free school her after I ride Woo Hoo can't wait to see how she does.
  • It must be raining almost everywhere. We had a lot of fog early this morning, also. 10 day forecast has a rain chance everyday. [:@] We didn't get our garden in before all of this rain started, so I am starting to wonder if we will even have a garden this year. It doesn't look like it will ever dry up enough to get our plants in the ground.
  • No rain here. And none in the near forcast. In fact we will be in the 90's all week. It is 75 right now at 9:30 am. This is perfect weather for me. But we sure could use the rain. 

    Well, I have been avoiding studying so far this morning. I keep dong that. I'm now down to the wire. I got a lot done the other day but still have so much to do!! That is the story of my life right now. 

    My Mary has her first real school play today. the kind you actually have to try out to make it into. She has a real natural talent and the teacher has commented on it often. I'm glad she is having fun. But i wouldn't like to see her try to do it profesionally. It is nearly impossible to get into and I don't like the life style. But the lady is filling her head with dreams. As long as they stay that way I'm OK with it.

    So big day for the family. 

    Well, I have putsing around here for about an hour. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. It sure has been nice having so many people around and so many post. 

    Have a great day all.
  • Hey,  someone turned on the sun for us today!  It rained last night, but today is bright and warm. 
    Second Chance-your avatar is too cute!  I tried to post one yesterday and it wouldn't let me..will try again later.
  •    It is dry here in NY, but not for long I have been hearing... I have 25 days of my senior year left before school lets out... then like 53 days until Graduation...
  • [quote=TanyaC97]

    I have a guy coming to trap (live) and move the bobcat Thursday.  It followed me up the driveway from the barn last night, .........  So now I carry my hand gun with me.  Boy that is sure gonna make some of my neighbors happy, they think I am a redneck now, LOL.

    The neighbors would have already known I was a redneck, I'm afraid that with where I live, I'd have already shot that sucker if he was getting that close!
    I do know that our local game & fish dept. will come out & trap wild pest for us should we ever need them to. Might save ya a buck or two if you are having to pay someone Tanya.
  • Its been raining for over a week now and its suppose to continue raining at least until the weekend.  However, I'm not going to complain after 2 years of drought, but my horses sure aren't getting any riding time!
  • I made it!!  [':)']
    Just have a lot to figure out, yet.  [8|]
    I'll have to search for how to post my avatar and siggy, but I'll get it...sooner or later.  I don't *think* it would let me yet, today. 
    It's overcast here, too, and only 63.  I'm not ready for triple digits yet, but a little more heat would be nice.  A shower just passed thru, but it's quit for now.
    Tanya...I'd be a Redneck by now, too.  The neighbors would be the least of my worries...
    Let us all know when that thing's GONE!