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Sunday So Far

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Sunday So Far
  • our new transplanted pear trees are looking good.
    C&R gifted them to us.
    They had them but never got fruit, even though they are the right varieties for pollination.
    We will enjoy them even if they don't fruit.

    Friend and her granddaughter came for about an hour.
    Granddaughter would like to come and learn over Summer break.
    Fine with me.

    Spring shedding season has begun, at least it will be warm enough for baths.

    have a Springy Sunday.

  • Good GOSH, is it Sunday already???

    Still taking care of the neighbor's horses.  Her uncle showed up today so I'll have a few days off.

    Kind of feeling a bit run-down lately.  Not working harder, just generally tired and run down.

    Found out that someone was arrested on Wednesday for breaking parole up the road from us.  Wondered what the parade of Sheriff's vehicles was all about.  Strange that parade of "First Responders" at around midnight.

    Looks like I won't be able to go to Fawn Lodge this month after all.  Not good.  But what else could I do?  Can't leave the neighbor in the lurch like that.

    Jmebear is getting Dusty out today!  That'll likely make his day!  He loves attention from Momma!  Such a good boy!

    Hope everyone has a great week.


    Forgot to mention that I got the new cover from Harbour Freight for the Cart tent (carport).  Put it on and we promptly got a windstorm and rain before I could get it properly secured.  However it held with just the front and rear tied down.  The old cover (two tarps) had finally given out and was leaking like a sieve.  The one next to it is almost as bad.  Can't afford a cover anytime soon for that one though.

    Bye again...