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Tuesday and more snow.

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Tuesday and more snow.
  • Yeah, snow again.  And didn't stick... yet.   However we have two more days of this to go, according to the weather service.

    Feeling a lot better.  Actually the fact I'm on here shows that because I have to go in the house to access the internet.  Lost a few days due to the snow though.

    Hope you and Pilot are feeling better DH.

  • Thanks Stude.

    So glad you are better.

    Took Pilot to Dr.

    Another chest X-ray and some inhalers.

    Glad to actually be making progress.

    Our warm weather may be ending Sunday.

    Have a good rest of the week.

  • Here we are ten days later and have gained an inch and a half of snow today.  Looks like a Hollywood set outside.  Great big fluffy flakes coming down.  Very picturesque, very pretty, cold as a well-diggers butt!

    I hope Pilot feels better soon.

    Wondering if I'm going to leave for Oak Run tomorrow.  It remains to be seen what things look like over there tomorrow.  My trip might have to be postponed a day.