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Yikes - Sunday in the ER

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Yikes - Sunday in the ER
  • Take good care of her!  With the best nutrition and keeping her body armed with all the vitamins it needs, it will heal the fastest it can. ':)']

    I'm glad she's getting the best of care. 
    I always wonder how people with one arm get along riding. (or other stuff missing)  Do you ever walk around with your eyes closed just to see?  She could sling that arm and pretend she only has one and adapt!  But not THIS trip.  It's a disappointment but you're taking care of business first!  Good hubby!

  • Hoping the hand is healing and havent got any more complications. Waiting for an update!
  • I am sitting in the O.R. waiting room at this very moment. Doctor is thrilled with how the hand is healing and she is getting the skin graft today. It will be bandaged for 5 days, then it comes off and she can start getting the use of the hand back. They are saying she will not need much therapy and it probably won't be long before she can ride again!
  • That's great news!  Hope the graft goes well! 
  • So glad to hear you finally got good news!!!Keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well and you all can be back in the saddle soon!!![':D']
  • Sounds like somebody is well taken care of! [';)']  Great job!!!
  • We visited the doctor yesterday and the bandage came off. The skin graft is looking great! So she is now on a smaller bandage that I will change daily and we go back Feb 19. At that point I am hoping NO MORE bandages. I also expect that therapy will be scheduled at that point. She will be doing a lot of finger and wrist exercises before Feb 19 to hopefully minimize the therapy.

    The donor spot on the leg is what is bothering her the most. It was scabbing up nicely and then rubbed off during the night, so if very painful again. Too bad it is winter as wearing shorts would be the best thing right now.
  • Ouch!  I remember that, had some grafts taken from above an ear and an earlobe once and that hurt worse than the actual injury!  Glad to hear things are healing well now though.  Those gel pad things for burns work really nicely on wounds.  Can't remember what they are called but they are blue and made of some sort of gel.  You put them under a bandage and they feel so nice and cool.
  • The wife got on a horse for the 1st time yesterday since this accident, which happened on January 17! She was VERY HAPPY! She is still in therapy and the skin graft has done very well. Initially she wanted to sell the horse that caused all this, but she seems to have forgiven him. After all, he was just being a horse! As of last week she had 75% use of her hand back. She was able to completely tack up the horse without any help!
  • Hooray!  Congrats to your wife!  Life is back to normal!  (whatever that is [':)'] )
  • So glad to hear things are going well.  It took my hand about a year to really recover and now most days I don't even notice it if I don't bump a scar.  Amazing how we can come back, huh?  Nothing like getting on a horse to bring you back mentally ':)'
  • Awesome news!! So glad she is in the saddle again and healing so well! Could happen to any of us on any given moment!!Enjoy riding!!  Sounds like you both are well on your way back in time for riding season!! Happy Trails!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • OOOO-RAY-Hay!  Sure am glad to hear things are healing that well.  Well...maybe to *her* it's taking forever....but...from here....