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Sunday Some
  • cooler temps only 90*
    Nothing getting done except a little watering and laundry.

    It got crispy dry here pretty fast.
    I just gave up on the garden.
    It got too hot, too dry, too fast.
    Maybe some rain due midweek.

    I hope everyone had a peaceful weekend.

  • Last week weather was awesome. Lower temps and humifdity. The heat and humidity return this week but hoping Fall starts wandering in this coming weekend. We rode Saturday as it was the cooler day. Fancy had a little bit of a back swollen ankle. She walked fine but we kept the ride short. Yesterday, ankle was back to normal.

    We usually get 20 round bales in Fall and another 20 in the Spring. We still have 16 left from the Spring deilvery. Hay guyed called and going to get 10 this Fall. Really don't need it now but need to grab while I can. After all the rain we had army worms are moving through and destorying grasses. Their preferred grass is coastal bermuda which is the primary hay around here. This is another reason to get hay now either though I don't need it, supplies will probaby be limited soon.

  • I still have 2 or three rounds left from last year but need to see my hay guy and pay for another 20 for this year.  Tessa ate a bale a month but Cherish seems to be going through one ever 20 days or so.  I pay for it and then one of my neighbors brings it to me.  I sold the truck last week so no chance of getting it myself...plus I can not handle them.  Tom unloads them in the barn and moves them off to the side so I can feed them out...usually takes the netting of of at least one...such a great neighbor.

    Getting hotter here again...loved the cool less humid weather we had.