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Sunday Stinking Hot

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Sunday Stinking Hot
  • I swear I change my clothes 5-6 times a day.
    Because I can't stand being soaked in sweat.

    I plan to get on Prize for a short time in the round pen this evening.
    Too hot to actually ride but I want to keep progress moving on him.
    He is so smart it only takes about a 20-30 minute session to work on stuff.
    Thankful because that's about all I can take at the end of the day.

    A friend coming tomorrow so I can trim Tex.
    She has been adamant about coming by to help and I will gladly oblige.

    I hope everyone has had a good weekend.

  • Headng for a little cool down here and a dry spell. Hay farmers now have a chance to cut, dry and bale.

    We rode Sunday and had a great ride. Took Apache back to the spot where he dumped me into the fox hole. He did well. When an incident like that happens I think it is important to get them through the area again on a positive note.

  • I agree with you, Face.  DaneHaven, please be careful.

    Yesterday it never got out of the 50's.  This morning I put the heat on.  Won't need it for long but still, it feels good.

    All is well here.  Cherish is becoming a nice pet so I need to get her saddled and ridden again.  Her manners are great and , judging from the ride when she first got here, she should be okay.

    Started my PT last week...I already seem to have more energy...perhaps because I am coming out of my doldrums.

    Have a super day, All.