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Thursday It's a Two

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Thursday It's a Two
  • Aleve day.

    I did Sarcee's feet last evening.
    She was quite long in the fronts.
    I believe she is sore in the hips.

    I am thankful you all are safe.
  • Safe here so far on Friday morning...that tropical storm is tracking too far west on its northward journey, and is expected to pass through here and drop off lots of rain.  Not my favorite kind of day but I am pretty safe here and prefer the rain to damaging winds.

    Apparently rain does not bother Cherish...she was pretty wet when I fed her and she has the 14 x 30 shed for shelter...she usually stays inside.

    Got cat and dog kibble on Tuesday from the factory....horse feed yesterday...now I just have to get it from the car to where it needs to be.  Horse feed a priority...cats and dog are not out.Horse isn't either, but she will be tomorrow evening if I don't get it in the bin.