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beautiful cool morning and

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beautiful cool morning and
  • a question.  Cherish has neglected feet.  I have her on BOSS and got her shod Friday.  She is doing fine.  A friend with grey Arabians and an App suggested Kevlar hoof sealant....I can get it but have always been told (race horses) to grease the feet...any input from my friends here?  I want her to stay sound and grow those feet out.


  • Connie the answer is...

    Patience, BOSS and patience.

    B came yesterday and I got a short ride on both Prize and Chica.

    I was ecstatic by how well both did.

    Then it rained and more rain to come all week.

    I hope everyone has a well one.

  • I wish we would have a few cool rainy days here...  But this is California.  We won't see that for another three months.  Five, if we get an Indian Summer...

  • We have used Kevlar and would do so again.

  • what condition did you use it for, Face?   I want the best for her and her health was pretty neglected before she came to me.

  • Connie, sorry, I was confused. We were using Keratex to help prevent bruising on the sole. They both start with a "K"! hahahah.

  • Thank you for the additional information..I was concerned about putting a permanent polish on the hoof wall preventing it from breathing...I know my fingernails don't do well or stay healthy if I use polish...the tip about the sole is good , however.  Thank you.