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Suburban smashing Saturday!

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Suburban smashing Saturday!
  • Well, the other half of the Oak tree in front of the house fell this afternoon.  Around three o'clock.  The Crummy (03 Chevy Suburban, already rolled over and roached) got plastered!  We shall see if it's driveable after this.  All I use it for is toddling around here.  May have to make a Surrey top for it now.  As if the water system being down wasn't enough for this place...<rolleyes>

  • So sorry for all the bad things that seem to be happening where you live.  Ever thought of relocating?

  • I'm actually in the process of moving.  George's brother has taken over the property now that his brother has died, and he's asked me to be out before the end of the year.  Other than just relocating to another property the other side of Redding... well yeah, in the process of moving.  Would rather leave California entirely.  However can't afford to.  Moving to this side of the Appalachians is beyond what I can afford.  Moving in general is beyond what I can afford.  Still trying to work it all out.

  • Maybe Hunter could find a spot on her place in WV?

  • Oh, all those earthquakes drive Hunter out of California?  Can't blame her!

  • She has a lot of acres on a pretty much dead end road...plenty of fields and a stream and is rebuilding the dwelling.....I think she loves it there.