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Friday Fresh

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Friday Fresh
  • We got another 1/3 inch rain.
    It felt cool this morning.
    Horses were in yesterday due to the wet.
    They will be happy to get out today.

    We have sooo much grass and more rain forecast next week.
    Need to get a ride in before it is wet for awhile again.

    Also need to get hay in fro the winter.
    Fresh hay at the hay barn so may get some today.

    Everyone enjoy the weekend.
  • I was not happy with the way my regular blacksmith did with Cherish's feet a week ago...he used to be good but has gotten slack the past few years.  So....asked a friend and got a number....an Amish guy who has to hitch a ride...he came...He did a fantastic job...said she would need front shoes for a bit, hopefully being done with them by winter.  He took his time and she was an angel.....he just tied her to the barn and I got to watch him work on her.  He complimented her behavior and says he is pretty sure she is a morgan or morgan cross.  For the first time in over a month here, I saw her trot without being asked to.  I had gone out late afternoon and stood where she is not used to seeing me and called her and she came out looking for me....and trotted.  I am liking her more every day.