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Sunday Sooo

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Sunday Sooo
  • Tex had a fractured tooth, partial extraction.
    No hay for 10-15 days.
    At least he can be turned out and graze.
    Messes up the rotation so I finally put Prize out with him.

    They did fine. A few play kicks was all.
    Then evening I fed the girls and the boys wandered up.
    Prize went after Tex protecting food.
    His last home Prize was run off his feed by other horses.
    So I guess he isn't going to let that happen here.
    Everyone gets fed in their pen here.

    Saddled Prize up for a short ride in round pen.
    Haven't ridden since before the rain.
    He forgot the new cues, like squeeze not kick to go forward.
    We got it back and quit for the evening.

    I hope everyone has a great holiday week.
    Keep cool.

  • Not looking forward to the upcoming week.  They're predicting 112 on Friday and Saturday.  Lord have mercy!  I really don't know how people coped a hundred and fifty years ago (pre-electric).

    Added to the high temps is that both locations are having trouble with the water supply.  Jmebear's well is sucking air and the tank fell down the hill in Fawn Lodge.  I'm debating the fix for Fawn Lodge.  I would like to set the tank above the pump and run the water down the hill to the house.  Much easier to get to than the current location.  However that will require several hundred feet of tubing I don't presently have.   I'm currently wondering how to go about this, since the property has changed hands.  Russ doesn't like me much, if at all, and can be difficult to work with.  For my own sake I have to get the  water supply re-established.  A quandary, that's for sure and certain!

    I'm really dreading the drive through Redding this week.

  • My Tessa has two broken teeth...upper molars, same tooth on each side...second molar back....Dentist said she needs those teeth, she is not cudding enough to make the stuff ferment and let her keep them as long as possible.  Explains why she is not thrilled with a bit although one should never be that far back in her mouth...thinking someone used a chain lead and jerked super hard....

    Cherish is totally shed out along the spine and I can see a nice shiny black coat coming....

    Yesterday it went up into the 80's and today...still morning it is in the 50's.  My neighbor brought me two big rounds yesterday evening....I buy from one neighbor and another delivers.  Good horse hay.  Sure wish Tessa would choose the pasture over the hay.

    Stude, glad to see Socks is still with you...he is special.