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Tuesday Too Wet

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Tuesday Too Wet
  • to do much outdoors.
    We got another 2-1/3 inches!
    Much needed and at the perfect time.
    50% chance again today.

    Surprise is doing well we went on a short trail rideSunday and he did great.
    Only thing is he has bonded with Sarcee and I had hoped Tex would be his buddy.
    Things may changed once we get everyone turned out together.

    Plenty of inside chores to keep busy.
    Everyone have a great week.
  • Horse arrived Monday evening...very tired from her long trip.  I am writing this on Wednesday morning.   She settled right in and started eating hay.  She needs feed...looked much fuller in her pictures.  Shaggy coat...I thought, oh, no, Cushings.  NOPE  she is not thrifty and the hair leaves with grooming.  Yesterday I did a lot with her in the stall and she was perfect.  Today she got a little mareish after she ate her breakfast.  I will pay attention but I think she thought I was going to take her away from her breakfast.  Time will tell.  Still need to find a name for this black girl.  The seller called her Iris.  The coggins from when he got her called her Maple...not crazy about either name.  Tessa seems to have forgiven me

    I think I should ride her before she gets too healthy....mostly for my own peace of mind.  I waited a year with Tessa and she thinks she should stand for me to saddle and mount and then continue to stand after I am on...she does NOT want to move forward....my legs are too long on her to use heel and I will not use force.

    Hoping all are well.  Sure have missed you.

  • Hiiiiii Connnnnnie!   #:~D