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Sunday showers....again

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Sunday showers....again
  • I am finally back.  Have finally shaken off the doldrums and have an interest in things again...so much so that I just bought another horse.

    Tessa is sweet and loves me...follows me like a puppy, head on my shoulder, however , when my son was here a month ago, we saddled her up and tried riding her....she is fine to tack up and mount...does not seem to think she is supposed to move forward...better with him, especially if I walk ahead of her but thinks she is supposed to stand like a statue with me...too short barreled for my heels and I do not want to slap her.....she is also not thrilled with the noisy traffic here and tends to startle although she startles in place.  Soooo  looked for someone to work with her...no success.  Started looking at horses...finally found a mare in VA that was scheduled to go to a riding camp this summer but her owner is well known by a horse dealer friend of mine and she says he is trustworthy and he says this mare is sweet and quiet and (the big issue for me) safe.  Sent payment last night and he will send her to southern pA and my friend will pick her up Monday and bring her to me.  I really miss the man I did business with for 40 years.

    Still working on a name for her and have to prepare her stall...hope the two get along since Tessa has the 30' run in shed  and loves it.

    Dog grew so much.  My cute puppy is over 50lbs now and thinks she is a lap dog.  She is a pain in the butt but I do not plan on rehoming her.  The house cats do not really like her and the garage kitties (rescued last fall from a certain death by road)  like her...one down right loves her, lays down and wants belly licks.  

    I will try to get back here on a regular basis...I miss my friends here.

  • So glad to see you Connie!

    And I'm glad the doldrums are gone.

    We lost both Jet and Tonto.

    I planned on another but wasn't really looking yet.

    One came up for sale that fit my requirements so I just got a new horse also.

    Everyone have a wonderful Sunday!

  • I'm sure I am safe in saying we all missed you too Connie.  Glad to see you back around here again.

    Still working on getting the Garden set up here in Oak run and moved out of Fawn Lodge.  Really going to miss that place, even if I don't miss George, per se.  Summer has arrived and with it the hundred degree days.  I'm escaping here for the 'Lodge to work on moving stuff for a few days.  Will be working on the Wagon and such as well.  Should have it running in a week or two.  Looking forward to that.  SO much fun to drive it!  The new motor looks to be a bust.  Will tear it down and see if it will work with one of my Champs (pickup).  However, if I can get the larger Packard-baker motor running, I would prefer that.  We shall see.

    Let everyone out to play today.  Made sure the boys all got Swat smeared around their eyes.  The flies are horrible this year!

    I hope everyone has a great week  and had a blessed Sunday!