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Monday Must

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Monday Must
  • get horse feed.
    Only day this week I have for that task.

    Took Tex for a ride yesterday with friends.
    A good ride except when an armadillo ran right under us but Tex didn't flinch.
    He did act like he wanted to lay down when we crossed some deep water.
    That created a kicking storm from me.

    I turned Sarcee and Surprise out together after returning from the ride.
    They were perfect together.
    He followed her like a puppy.

    I hope everyone has a great week.

  • Always interesting adding someone new to the mix.

    Got feed Saturday . Tractor died a couple weeks ago in the middle of our front pasture. My son spent two Saturdays working on it and got it going again. PTO sensor broke and ended up replacing every fuse in the tractor.

    New PTO sensor, connector and wiring was fun. The place where my brother-in-law got it provided it with all BLACK wires. My son expressed it was very important to  have color coded wires or a wiring diagram.  When the in law picked it up he never looked in the bag. My son wanted a picture of it so I sent it, he asked about a diagram. Sent message to in law about the wires and sister replied wires were color coded, I replied with a picture saying  they all looked black to me.  

    Drove down there with broken  piece to make sure they ordered the right thing

    Drove down to pick it up, never looked at what he got.

    Called to get wiring infor. They never sent it

    Drove back down to get info.

    This place was about 45 minutes away.

    Anyway, son got it working. To send it off to get worked on would have been a $1000 trip charge, one way. Plus waiting it's turn in the queue.  Would have been weeks. This was a Kubota tracktor and son's 1st real job was at Kubota, he had connections if he needed help.

  • We are having trouble with a Kubota.  Working on biting the bullet and taking it to the dealer for a fix.  I am not able to deal with transmission problems.  Going to be waiting in that queue you mentioned Face.