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Friday Freaky

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Friday Freaky
  • weather.
    Frost this morning and high of 81*!

    Having breakfast with friends for a birthday.
    Then more work at the cabin.
    Plinking along at that project.
    Ringtails have been evicted, now to make sure they are sealed out.
    Then clean up the mess they made in the attic insulation for the second time. Grrr.

    Going to ride on Sunday and maybe sneak one in tomorrow?
    Hate to pass up a ride in great weather.

    I hope Spring plans to stay.
    Have a great weekend.

  • Snowing presently in Fawn Lodge.

    Well, about two hours later it quit and the sun came out.  All the snow is gone. #:~(

  • Well, it rained in the afternoon.  Did I say rained?  IT POURED for three hours.  Then it got suspiciously quiet about an hour after dark.  Snowed all night and we got about six inches to stick.  Quit this morning and the sun actually shone for several hours.  Now it's snowing again and the car shuffle is going.