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Taxing Tuesday

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Taxing Tuesday
  • We paid taxes yesterday.
    I still have to pay the ones for DaneHaven.

    Jet continues to get worse.
    I will make arrangements.
    I have an appointment to take the girls in for teeth, vaccs and coggins tomorrow.

    My lemon and lime trees are doing nicely under their plastic cover.
    Stude I understand delays. I have a greenhouse that was purchased when we moved to Texas.
    Still in the box stored in the garage at Danehaven.
    Maybe this Spring....

    We got the tree in, assembled and lights on. Maybe decors this weekend.

    I hope you all have an enjoyable week.
  • Sorry to hear about Jet.  Been there a bit too much over the past few years...

    Too funny about the Greenhouse!

  • I had plans for a wooden outdoor nativity display. Had them for at least 15 years. Gave them away.