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Sunday and the

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Sunday and the
  • heat wave continues.  I do NOT like hot and muggy.  Whisper colic'd mildly Wednesday.  Vet said to give her banamine.  I did and it was just a brief time and she was back to normal.  The vet was here Tuesday for shots....we sat and talked about Whisper for quite a while...she told me later that the mare is fortunate that I keep such close track of her.  Yesterday, another vet suggested Succeed for her...says it has worked wonders on race horses that tended to colic.  I checked on it...really expensive.  A dear friend in FLA is sending me two weeks of samples of a feed additive that is supposed to help with hind gut issues...she said it has worked wonders on her old walker,  So,  when that comes I will try.  Meanwhile, need to mark three weeks on the calendar to know when to watch for those little signs she is not up to snuff.

    She needs to be ridden but I can not cope with this weather and , to be honest, six in the morning is a bit early for me to want to face the day from the back of a horse and that is the only time it is cool enough.

    Hoping all are healthy and that the horses are staying well, and sound.

  • I am glad we don't have the humidity issues here you folks deal with east of the Rockies.  I know the feeling of not wanting to get up before dawn.  Most especially when I find it nearly impossible (without drugs) to sleep when it's over eighty to a hundred degrees.  Night time temps in Oak Run aren't much relief.  When it's over a hundred during the day, often night-time temps are in the upper eighties.   Fawn Lodge cools off at night, being a thousand feet higher than Oak Run.  Also, the heat of the day only lasts about three hours.  Sometimes there's a range of forty or fifty degrees from day to night temps.

    The Pony Barn is moved and I have the bank moved back from it so I can get through with the spreader and tractor.  Filled in the end stall and I believe the water will run off properly.  We shall see next Fall.  I do love mucking around with that little back-hoe.  I affectionately call it the Tea Cup and Spoon.  She may be small, but is still a God-send.

    I hope everyone has a blessed Sunday and great week!

  • Super hot here.  104* at 5pm.

    I'd say not humid but hard to tell.

    I picked 8 peppers and 8 tomatoes.

    Chopping and freezing most of the peppers.

    I may stuff a few.

    Keep cool everyone.